You took your sweet time

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Emily lay down on the floor of the small holding cell, that the Intelligence task force had nicknamed the cage - one arm draped over her face to let her sleep a little. If she was honest with herself, she actually thought that Peter Stone was bluffing about arresting her - apparently she was wrong. She had never cared for spending the nice in a cell, but it had happened on more than one occasion so she had learned to spend that time productively. It was Morgan who arrived in Chicago first after getting the message from Hotch that Emily had been arrested - Hotch had informed him that the rest of the team where on their way. Leaving him to get an idea of the situation he was walking into. As he walked into the garage, Emily's head snapped up at the sound of his shoes hitting the floor."You took your sweet time" Emily said, swinging her legs around and standing up.

"Do you want me to leave your ass in here?" Morgan asked, looking at his partner with a smug smile on his face. Emily gave her partner a look, telling him that if he even dared she would kick his ass when she got out herself. "Why didn't you just tell that ADA about the mission? You do know that you didn't do anything wrong, right?" Morgan asked his partner, standing closer to the cage door. Emily stood up, walking towards the door.

"I know" Emily told him, over time she had come to except what had happened on the mission. Neither Ryan or Emily knew that it would all go down the way it did, but that didn't stop either of them feeling guilty for a long time. That was really how they bonded. When their undercover assignment was finally over, the two would meet up most nights. Not to do anything, or even talk for that matter. They would just sit together. Usually with a beer in hand, just sitting in silence. Ryan and Emily both enjoyed each other's company, since they both understood what the other one was going through - something which the rest of their friends didn't understand.

"What's going through that head of yours?" Ryan asked, as Emily pulled a blanket over her legs before just looking at him. "Seriously, you've been quiet all night. It's freaking me out" He said, picking up the beer bottle that had been placed on the coffee table next to him, before taking a sip. Emily watched as he did this, like every movement he made intrigued her.

"Just us. I mean, we met when we where forced to go undercover together. At that time, I couldn't stand you at all. Then, here we are. You've basically moved yourself into my house, and I'm here. With you" Emily said, not really making to much sense to Ryan as she spoke. But, he found this adorable. "Do you ever think about what we did when we where undercover?" Emily asked, she watched as this question made Ryan squirm in his seat.

"I try not to" Ryan told her, as he spoke - Emily's face dropped. "Listen, we both know that there was nothing we could have done to help that child. I don't think about that night because I don't want to dwell on the past. I mean, I love you. And that's all I'm focusing on right now" Ryan said, reaching over and grabbing onto Emily's hand. "I think, that is the first time I've ever said that to you" He said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

This simple gesture made Emily smile, for a split second she thought about Ryan. Just for a second. And it was then, she knew that this guy. This amazing guy, who knew exactly who she was and what she had done - was the guy that she loved. "I love you too" Emily told him, using the hand that Ryan still hand hold of to pull him closer to her. Without a second thought, she kissed him.

If she was honest with herself, Emily had never been happier than right in that moment. Everything that had happened with Severide had made Emily doubt what it was to love someone, but being with Ryan seemed to sort everything out in Emily's life. At night, she felt safe. For some reason, Ryan was the one person in Emily's life that she could never get tired of spending time with. It was like, half the time, they knew what the other was thinking. This was probably because they where both FBI agents, meaning they both understood more about each other's lives than anyone else. Ryan knew things about Emily, that would have shocked her own brothers. And Emily knew this.

About an hour later, Morgan returned to the garage with Voight and ADA Stone in toe. Their presents made Emily stand up and face them. "Hotch cleared us to tell Stone what happened to the child" Morgan said, informing Emily of the executive decision that Hotch had made - a decision that meant Emily was allowed to leave the cage. Stone and Morgan watched as Voight opened the cage door - allowing Emily to get out of the small cage that she had called home for nearly three hours. "Do you want to tell him or shall I?" Morgan asked, looking at his partner watching her defeated look.

"I will" Emily said, turning around and looking at Stone - who seemed ready to be briefed on what had happened that night. "Ryan and I got information from one of his CI's that the people we where after had an important package in their possession. So, we did what we needed to do. We knew we didn't have enough time to call in a big tactical support team, so we called my team and did it ourselves" Emily started, she watched as Morgan's posture changed.

"What I didn't know was a member of my team, Penelope Garcia - was shot. Like the family we are, they rallied around her. They weren't there when we raided the house. Just the two of us. By the time we had reached the bedroom, they had already killed the child. We just took the body" Emily told him, lowering her head in defeat. "You can hate me all you want Peter, but I didn't do anything wrong. Neither did Ryan. That woman allowed her child to be used as a drug mule. She's lucky we didn't arrest her" Emily said, moving past ADA Stone and Voight. Both she and Morgan left the garage together, while Morgan went to catch his plane back to Washington - Emily drove to Connors. Just wanting to spend some time with her friend.

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