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It had been just under 2 years since the funeral, and everyone was still trying to adjust to life. Jay and Will had moved in together, wanting to spend as much time as they could with each other. 

Kelly Severide had moved into Emily's house, wanting to feel as close to her as he could. Will and Jay wanted to keep the place, since Emily actually owned it. But neither of them could bring themselves to move in. So when Severide offered to take it, they couldn't say yes quick enough. A lot had changed during this time, Severide had actually met someone - and even though he didn't think it would be possible, he was happy.

Gabby and Matt had gotten married and where hoping to start a family soon. One their wedding day, Gabby had wished that Emily could have been there - but she had felt that in some way she was. By this point in time, Matt and Gabby had been married a little over a year. 

Kyle had started college and was hoping to go to Law school at some point. He had stayed in contact with his uncles, visiting them as often as he could. Through them he had learnt everything there was to know about his mom. Kyle felt like he knew her. Aaron Hotchner had given Kyle his phone number and told him that if he ever needed anything he was to call. But Kyle didn't call Hotch, if anyone he would call Rossi. Especially, since his mom was always closer to Rossi than she was to Hotch. 

Over the last two years, Kyle had stayed with Rossi a number of times and even gotten him to speak at his high school graduation.  

On the two year anniversary of Emily's funeral, Kelly Severide went to visit her grave. He sat with his back to Emily's headstone as he spoke with her. "Hey Em, so it's been two years. I just wanted to come visit you. I'm still in the house, and I hope you don't mind - but I painted the front room. I hope you don't mind. So, I've met a girl. Her name's Meghan. You'd really like her. She's a doctor at Med. Will introduced us" Severide said, smiling as he spoke. 

After speaking to the grave for a while, he got up and left - going back home to Meghan who was standing over the stove cooking. "Hey" She said as he walked into the kitchen "Did you take flowers?" Meghan asked, knowing that Kelly had been to visit Emily's grave. When they first met, Meghan could tell that he was still hung up on his ex - but she was shocked to find out what happened when she asked Will what Severide's deal was. It was safe to say that she felt horrible when she found out that he had dated Will's sister but she had died. 

On the other hand, Severide was glad that she understood that it was hard for him to get over Emily, especially with the way that she died. "Yeah, I dropped them off for her" He said, pulling his girlfriend towards him for a hug. Meghan smiled as she hugged him, not a happy smile - but a smile of sympathy. In his own way, Severide was over Emily. He still loved her, but he didn't pine for her anymore. 

Meghan and Severide had met, about 7 months after the funeral - he had come to see Will and bumped into Meghan. Straight away there was an attraction between them, even Will saw it. After a few weeks of chatting and smiling at each other as they passed, Severide was finally pushed by Will to ask Meghan out. Ever since then, they had been together. Happily living in harmony. 

While Will was happy that Severide was moving on, Jay couldn't help but feel like Severide was betraying Emily in some way. Will had told his brother that Severide couldn't spend the rest of his life waiting for Emily to come back, because in reality she was gone. And nothing was going to change that. 

"Good, I'm sure she would have loved them" Meghan told him, releasing him from her grasp and turning to carry on with her cooking. As she plated up, a knock on the front door made the couple look at each other and smile. Severide opened the front door and smiled at Jay and Will who had come to have dinner with it being Emily's anniversary. While most girlfriends would find it weird, Meghan thought that it was lovely that all three of the boys where so close. 

All four of them sat together, eating food and laughing as the Halstead brothers spoke about their sister. Smiling as they told Meghan stories about when they were children - and how Emily would play jokes on them just to be a wind up. Later on, the four of them sat on the couch drinking beer and continuing their conversation. Jay and Will looked at each other and smiled, they considered Severide and Meghan family - since they had all grown very close over the past 12 months. 

As the night drew on, Jay and Will decided to leave - leaving the couple on their own. As they cleaned up, Severide turned to Meghan. "Thank you" He said to her, giving her a kiss and smiling at her. 

"What for?" Meghan asked. 

"For just being you. I get that you don't have to be as good as you are about the whole Emily thing, and I really appreciate it" Severide said to her, he watched as she placed four plates in the sink and turned to him. 

"Emily will always be a very important part of your life, and that makes her an important part of mine" Meghan said, wiping away a tear from Severide's eye "I just wish I'd met her" Meghan said, hugging her boyfriend before kissing him.

"I love you" Severide said to her. 

"I love you too" Meghan said back to him. 

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Just a little more.

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