So, your my first

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In her office in the BAU, Emily would often fall asleep at her desk - waking up the next morning to Penelope Garcia bringing her a cup of coffee and a change of clothes. Every so often, Hotch would give her a speech on sleeping at the office. One morning, Emily was woken up to Derek Morgan calling her into the round table room for a case. As Emily walked into the round table room, she fiddled with her new shirt - making sure all the buttons where done up properly.

"What's up?" Emily asked, pulling a jacket. She watched as the rest of her team looked towards a mystery man, standing by the television screen that was used to display cases. "Emily Halstead" She said out loud, knowing that the rest of her team probably would have introduced themselves to his man.

"Nick Benson" The newly introduced Nick said, putting one hand forward for Emily to shake. Something which she didn't do.

"I don't shake hands" Emily said, holding her hands up for Nick to see. He just nodded at her, both of them sitting down and listening to Hotch explain the case. After, listening for nearly 10 minutes about what they where working on now, Emily asked the question everyone sitting around the table was wanting to know. "Not to be rude, but why is Benson here?"

"Nick Benson is an Agent with the Boston Office. He is coming to consult on this case, as he can give us an insight to the life of this killer" Hotch said "Especially with the close proximity of the gated community" Emily turned to look at Nick Benson.

"What insight?" Emily and Morgan both asked at the same time, them speaking simultaneously was something that the rest of the team had become used to.

"You didn't tell them?" Nick asked Hotch.

"We didn't know how you wanted to handle this" Rossi said, looking around at the team that was all confused about what was going on in front of them. And confusion wasn't something that the team liked being.

"My father is Dennis Rader" Nick Benson said, at this point all of the team looked directly at him. Not really sure what to do or say next. "Don't worry, no one really knows what to say" Benson said.

"Well, I've never worked with a serial killers kid before. So, your my first" Emily said, getting up from her chair and walking back to her office - leaving Nick in a state of shock.

"Ignore her. I do" Morgan said, patting his new team member on the back and following his partner. Internally, he was laughing at Emily's little comment.

"Hello, love" The voice of Nick Benson said, knocking Emily out of her current chain of thoughts. She was surprised to see him again after all these years, but still she didn't complain - the two just looked at each other with a smile. "How are you holding up?" He asked, taking a seat next to Emily.

"I've just had to explain to Kyle that his mother is dead, so not great" Emily said to him, Nick pulled Emily into a hug while whispering in her ear that everything was going to be okay. After a few minutes, Emily released herself from his grasp to ask the question that was in the back of her mind. "What are you doing here?" She asked, not really sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"I was visiting my mom, and I heard about what happened. I thought that maybe you could use a friend" Nick said, a small smile painted on his face. "I can't stay long, I just came to check on you" Nick told her, giving her a small wink.

"How is your mom?" Emily asked, trying to change the topic of conversation from the running joke that her life seemed to be.

"She's good. Broke her hip about a month ago, so now, she's recovering" Nick said, pulling out his phone and finding a picture of the 68 year old woman holding up two thumbs. Emily smiled and laughed a little at the photo.

Nick and Emily spoke for a while, for a moment, life just felt normal again for Emily. When Nick left, he gave her a hug and told her that if she ever needed anything, he was there for her. For this, Emily was grateful. Especially since she was missing Severide. Nick was a nice distraction from this.

After Nick left, Emily sat on her own for a while before going back into Kyle's room to find him up and talking to Jay. She watched from the door as they spoke, mostly about what was going to happen now. "Can I stay with you?" Kyle asked Emily, his eyes pleading in a way.

"We'll see what happens okay" She said back to him, not wanting to get his hopes up - especially since if Social Services could find a member of Clara's family the boys would have to go and live with that family member. Emily was lost for words when Kyle asked her to take him to see Carla's body, saying that he needed to see her before she was buried. It took her a moment to come up with an answer for him, especially since she was sure he wasn't going to like the answer. Jay saw her internal struggle and decided to talk for her.

"I don't think that's a good idea little man. Trust me, you don't want to remember her like that" Jay told him, Kyle looked between the two adults in the room - insisting that he was going to see his mom.

"Please" He pleaded, hoping to break them both.

"No. End of conversation" Emily finally said, her voice firm and calm at the same time. Kyle didn't speak back to her, instead he lay back down on his bed. Closing his eyes, wishing that his mom was there with him, instead of Emily.

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