It's really me

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Severide sat in the common room of Firehouse 51 with a cup of coffee in his hand, taking small sips as he read the newspaper that either Mouch or Herrman had left on the table. He read about the Cubs recent win, as he continued to read the news article - the voices of Matt and Gabby Casey came through the Firehouse. For a moment, he listened to them bickering about who's turn it was to do the dishes - this conversation made him laugh a little.


The announcement from mane got everyone on their feet, Severide got into the Squad. Behind him, Capp was the first one to speak - commenting that he hated going to officers in need of assistance because he wasn't a fan of guns. Severide informed him that if he didn't like guns, then he should simply stay away from them.

At the scene that Firehouse 51 had been called to, the Intelligence unit was involved in a gun battle with a group of criminals that they had been tracking for almost 6 months - and with the help of the BAU they had been able to track them down. But right now, Jay was cornered. He ducked behind a car only to be shot at from behind. As luck would have it, he wasn't hit. Truck 81 pulled up behind him, everyone taking cover.

Jay sighed in relief that he didn't have to worry about his back, that was until a sharp pain consumed him. On instinct, he brought his hand up to his neck - hoping to stop the blood that was pouring out. Gabby and Brett, tried their best to get to him - and when the finally did, for a moment they thought he was dead. Until Gabby felt a weak pulse, using every resource they had - the two girls get him into the back of the Ambo - driving towards Med.

After finding out what had happened to his brother, Will called David Rossi - who he knew was giving a talk at Kyle's school that day. Straight after the call ended between Rossi and Will, Rossi called Emily. Telling her what had happened and against his wishes - Emily told him that she was going to Chicago, she couldn't leave Will alone.

As she packed, Grant walked through the front door - he shot her a confused look as she packed. "Where are you going?" He asked. Emily turned to him, after a moment of thinking Emily finally told him the truth. After 12 months, she told him everything.

"My brother has been shot. I need to go to Chicago" Emily said, continuing to throw some clothes in a bag. Grant could see just how stressed out she was, so in one move - he grabbed her and forced her to sit down for a minute.

"Take a breath, Em" Grant said "I'll call Harry, see if he'll let us use the plane. Okay? I'll come with you" He said, kissing the top of her head. Emily was glad she had fine at this moment, if anyone could keep her calm and still have a level head themselves, it was Grant.

Grant heard back from Harry, telling him that they could use the plane whenever he wanted - within the next two hours they where flying. Grant always had a bag packed for work, and Emily was quite a quick packer - this came back from when she was working for the FBI and she would have to pack a new bag for a case straight after returning home.

As they flew on the plane, Emily and Grant sat together - one of his arms placed around her. This calmed her down, just having him close - calmed her down. A little over half way through the journey, Emily turned to Grant. "I need to tell you something" She said, knowing that she needed to tell him a little of what he was walking into in Chicago.


"My last name isn't Young, it's Halstead. I worked for the FBI until two years ago when I was attacked, that's why I moved to London. To keep me safe, the director of the FBI buried an empty coffin - telling my family and friends that I was dead" Emily said, for a moment Grant just looked at her unsure of what to say. So, instead of saying anything - he kissed her.

"Is that all?" He asked, Emily nodded at him. "I don't care about what your life was like before you moved here, all I care about is making sure your okay now. I'm not going to let anything happen to you" Grant said to her, putting one hand on her face and stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I kind of like you" He said, jokingly. Emily laughed and kissed him again.

"I suppose I kind of like you too" She said, running her fingers through his dark hair.

"I was hoping you'd say that" Grant told her, pulling her onto his lap and kissing the top of her head.

Back in Chicago, Will watched as Connor Rhodes took his brother into surgery. Erin sat with Will while Jay was treated, even though Will knew that Connor would do everything he could to help Jay. All that was going through Will's head was that he couldn't lose another sibling. About two hours later, Jay was wheeled out of surgery with a tired Connor Rhodes. He wondered over to Connor to get some information on how the operation went. "The bullet missed all major arteries in Jay's neck. He'll be fine. Just a few weeks recovery and he'll be good as new" Connor said.

Will thanked him, before going to sit with his brother. 3 hours later, the plane had landed - Emily and Grant made their way to Chicago Med. Grant drove the rental car, leaving Emily to direct him which way to go. When they arrived at the hospital, Emily looked at the entrance for the ED before moving from her seat. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Grant asked her, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Yeah, lets do this" She said, opening the car door and walking towards the ED. Grant walked behind her, still holding onto her hand. Just before they walked through the door, Emily turned to look at him - just to get some reassurance. Grant winked at her. Inside the ED, doctor's where running around - treating patients. Out of the corner of her eye, Emily saw Connor Rhodes - she lead Grant over to where Connor was standing - knowing that if anyone knew where Jay was it was Connor Rhodes.

"Connor?" Emily said, she watched as he turned towards her. First his face was filled with shock, then he pulled her into a hug.

"I thought ... I mean. I went to your funeral" Connor said, releasing her and looking at his friend.

"I can explain everything, but I need to see my brothers" Emily said, Connor nodded at her. Showing her to where Jay was recovering and where Will was sitting with Erin. "Can you give me a minute?" She asked Grant who nodded at her before kissing her.

"I'm going to get a cuppa" Grant said, walking away and leaving Emily to see her brother again for the first time in two years.

After taking a deep breath, Emily opened the waiting room door - just doing this attracted the attention of Will and Erin. While Erin smiled at Emily, Will just looked at her. Not saying a word. Saying he was shocked that she was here was an understatement. He was lost for words. On one hand, he wanted to grab her and hug her - never letting her go again. But, on the other hand - he wanted to shout at her. Telling her that he hated her, but he knew that wasn't true. He'd missed her to much to be made that she was back.

Instead he got up from his seat and hugged her. "Is it really you?" Will asked.

"It's really me"

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