Mexican, Thai or even Chinese

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"How was dinner the other night?" Gabby asked as Severide wondered into the firehouse the next morning. From they way that she stood, it was clear that Gabby had been waiting for Kelly to arrive so she could question her friend. "Spill" Gabby said, instead of talking back to her - Severide wondered to his office. Knowing that she would follow him all the way there, only because she knew that he would most likely talk about all of this in his office. As the two sat down, Gabby asked him again how dinner had been.

"It was good, we are. We talked, and then we went home" Severide told her, he watched as Gabby's face lit up. "And by we went home I mean her to her house. And me to my house" He said, making sure that Gabby didn't think any funny business went on between them. As he spoke, Gabby rolled her eyes. "What?" Severide asked her, not really wanting to have this conversation in the firehouse.

"You. Both of you. It's crazy, I mean - Emily came here and you both fell in love. Then she left, and you stayed with her. It's just a never ending cycle with you two, either get together or don't" Gabby stressed, lying down on the small bed in Severide's office. "I say that, but I'm still hoping for Halsride" She said, laughing as she spoke.

"Thanks for that, are you finished?" Severide asked, when Gabby nodded - telling him that she was finished talking. "Would you like me to tell you exactly what happened at dinner?" He asked, he watched as Gabby sat up on the bed - making herself comfortable as she nodded for him to continue.

"Mexican, Thai or even Chinese" Emily said to Kelly as the wondered towards a row of restaurants, neither of them making a decision about what kind of food they wanted to eat. "It's your choice" Emily told him, as they wondered closer and closer to the small row of restaurants.

"I'm liking the idea of Italian if I'm honest" Kelly said to her, smirking as he spoke. He knew that Emily wasn't the biggest fan of Italian food but he was going to persuade her on it no matter what. Emily just look at him for a moment before agreeing to go to a small Italian restaurant that Kelly knew about. They where seated at a small table right at the back of the restaurant, meaning they could see everyone around them. For a moment, the two sat in silence - they had never felt the need to fill any time they spent together with words. Since they where both quite comfortable around each other.

Emily took a glance at Severide, knowing that he wasn't looking at her at this moment. She took her time to look at him, she could see the green in his eyes - with the light that seemed to be reflecting out of them. Emily had always loved his dark hair, in Emily's own words - she would say that it completed his look. "I can feel you staring at me" Severide spoke, knocking Emily out of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry" Emily said to him, causing Kelly to turn and look at her.

"What for?" Severide asked her, confused about what Emily was on about.

"Everything. I mean, I broke your heart. You shouldn't hurt the one you love" Emily said, placing her hand on top of his. "You know that right?" Emily asked.

"I know" He said back to her.

"Do you think we will ever be happy?"

"Someday, I think so" Severide said to her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "I just think we need to be friends again" He told her.

"I know" She said back to him. The rest of their meal seemed to go by quickly. Neither of them bringing up the subject again, instead they talked about everything else. Mostly their friends, and family. At the end of the night, Kelly walked Emily to her house - telling her that even though they hadn't been on a date, he was still going to be a gentleman and make sure she got home safely.

"And that was it, I saw her to her door and then I went home. I'm just glad we had a chat" Severide told Gabby. "I can't help that I'm in love with her, and I'm not going to apologise for that. But I think we both want to be together, so we are going to be friends for a while" He said, a small smile on his face as he spoke.

"Good, I like it when you two are friendly" Gabby said, laughing a little as she spoke.

As Emily wondered into the 21st Precinct, she was greeted with an angered Sargent Platt - knowing that it wouldn't be a good idea for her to ask what the problem was so she decided just to walk up to Intelligence. "Oi, Brown eyes" Emily heard Platt shout, knowing that she was probably talking to her. Emily turned around.

"How can I help, Sarg?" Emily asked, a smile on her face - hoping that Platt wouldn't take the bad mood she was in out on her.

"I do not appreciate a strange person coming into my precinct shouting for you. So next time, send your gentleman callers to your home. Not here" Platt told her, pointing over towards the small office opposite the main desk. In the small room, NCIS Agent Callen sat waiting for Emily. When she walked through the door, Callen stood up.

"You haven't changed at all" Callen said, smiling at the girl who he met 18 years ago. He could remember when they first met, Callen had gone to a bar trying to track down a local drug dealer - and it just so happened that Emily had danced right into him. For almost two years after that night, the two where inseparable. But when Callen got pulled from the case, he left her behind.

"Who where you working for?" Emily asked, not wanting to mess around.

"I can't tell you that" He answered her. "I came to see him, where is he?" Callen asked, referencing his son.

"He's in Lawrence, Kansas" Emily said to him "I can introduce you. There is no way I can let you meet him on your own" Emily told him, Callen nodded. Knowing that he needed to have Emily on his side when he met Kyle. As the two of them left to go visit Kyle, Emily called Kelly. Just telling him that she was going to see Kyle for the weekend, leaving Severide happy after the call. Just knowing that she had taken the time to actually let him in on some plans was a step in the right direction for the two.

Hey guys,
Short and sweet chapter.
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