Tina Cameron - Part 3

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Searching Molly's wasn't an easy task, while Emily looked around the ally at the back of the bar with forensics dusting for prints. Morgan and Rossi where taking statements from people who where at the bar the night before, but this was easier said than done. Some members of Firehouse 51 wouldn't answer certain questions since they didn't trust Emily at this moment, so they weren't wanting to help her investigation that would enable her to go after one of them.

Interviewing members of the Intelligence task force wasn't easy either. All of them where annoyed that Emily hadn't said anything to them, while they did understand on some level why she didn't mention it - it didn't make the betrayal any better. Hotch was on the phone to Commander Crowley, who was demanding to know why she hadn't been in formed on the situation that was going on. At that moment, all Hotch could tell her was that since the Intelligence unit has an FBI agent working for them - the BAU didn't need to be called in by local police. They already had an open invitation, and they weren't willing to leave one of their own to solve a case when said agent couldn't trust her co-workers.

Reid was stuck going over the security footage, watching as Tina Cameron flirted with a man who sat with his back to the camera. Knowing that there was a good chance that Emily would know this guy, Reid called her phone and asked her to come to the back office. While he waited for Emily to arrive, he continued to watch the footage. "You called?" Emily asked as she walked into the back office, only to be greeted by the image of Tina Cameron sitting at the bar talking to a guy that she knew. She watched wide eyed as Tina talked and flirted with Severide, then she watched as they kissed passionately for a few moments. Emily took a breath before speaking again. "That's Kelly Severide" Emily told Reid.

"Are you sure?" Reid asked her, knowing that Emily was probably certain on the identity of the guy on the screen - but he needed her to be positive anyway.

"I'm sure" Emily said, pulling over a chair and sitting down next to Reid. "Tina said that he left before her, can we check that?" Emily asked, watching as Reid sped up the video recording. They both watched as Tina and Severide spoke for a few moments before he looked at his phone, for a second or two he froze. Like whatever it was on his phone was telling him not to do something. At that point, Severide got up and walked out of the bar. Leaving money on the counter. From when Severide left the bar, Tina didn't talk to anyone else. She just stayed at the bar - having a drink and checking her phone. Two hours later, Tina had left the bar. They followed the footage of her leaving the bar at 1:47 am from the front door, and then watched as she walked down towards the ally. Until she was no longer in the sight of the camera. "So, Severide was the last person to have a conversation with her" Emily said out loud, sighing as she did so.

"You know we will have to bring him in for questioning" Reid said to her "I'll get someone to go pick him up" Reid told Emily, before moving in his chair. Emily looked at him and placed one hand on Reid's arm. Stopping him in his spot.

"I'll go" She said "He'll tell me" Emily finished before walking out into the bar, she looked around for a moment before she saw Severide. He was sat with Gabby and Matt, talking about what was going on. Even though most people in the bar had been interviewed, no one was really sure on why. That was something that the team where keeping close to their chest, really the only people that knew about what was happening was a few members of the Intelligence task force who had made a call to Hank Voight, hoping to get answers from him. "Lieutenant Severide, will you come with me please" Emily said, using the firmest voice she could muster in the situation.

Matt and Gabby looked at Emily, wondering why their friend was doing this. Severide had told them that if she was doing something like this, she must have a good reason - she loved them all to much to mess them about for nothing. "Okay, where do you want me?" Severide answered Emily, she lead him into the back office of Molly's - where Reid was still sitting. She knew that since she had a history with Severide there was no way this interview could have been conducted without anyone else there with her.

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