I hate having siblings

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Emily stood in her kitchen, cooking Spaghetti while Ryan set the dinning room table - ready for when Matt and Gabby came over for tea. As she fumbled with the Spaghetti server, Ryan walked over and turned her around. "What's going through your head?" Ryan asked her.

"I'm nervous about you meeting Gabby" Emily said, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. Ryan placed one hand on her face, stroking his thumb on her cheek to calm her down a little. "I mean, I love Gabby - but she's really going to be brutal" Emily warned him.

"I take down terrorists for a living, I think I'll be okay" Ryan told her, laughing a little as he spoke. Emily smiled at him, putting her hand over his.

"Trust me, Gabby is nothing like what you've faced before" Emily said, before she could utter another word the sound of her doorbell rang throughout her house. "I hope your ready" Emily said, taking Ryan's hand and leading him towards the front door.

As she opened it Gabby and Matt both smiled at her, except Gabby's smile looked a little forced. Little did Emily know that only a few minutes before they had arrived at her house, Matt had told Gabby that she needed to be nice to Ryan. No matter how she felt about Severide and Emily.

Gabby pulled Emily in for a hug before turning to face Ryan. "You must be Ryan?" Gabby said, looking at him up and down. Even though Ryan was an FBI Agent, he was still intimidated by the paramedic. Emily saw this and squeezed his hand - and rubbing her thumb over the top of his hand. Gabby noticed this and looked at Matt, motioning towards the two.

"Are you going to stand there all night or are you guys coming in for a drink?" Emily asked, laughing a little as she spoke. Gabby pulled Emily in on a hug before walking into the house, going straight into the front room and taking a seat on the couch. During the night, the four talked and laughed.

While Gabby was still on the outs with Ryan, not trusting him and all, but Matt got along well with him. Both of the guys laughing and chatting about everything from fishing to building. Emily could see the look in Gabby's eye, every time Ryan spoke. So, while the boys spoke - Emily asked Gabby to help her with something in the kitchen, giving the two girls a minute to talk alone. "What's going on Gabby?" Emily asked, stirring the spaghetti sauce.

"I'm good" Gabby said, pouring both her and Emily a glass of wine.

"Gabby, please. Your my best friend, you can tell me anything" Emily told Gabby, leaving the sauce and ushering Gabby to the dining room table where they both took a seat. For a moment, Gabby didn't speak - just thinking about what she was going to say to Emily.

"I don't know about Ryan" Gabby said, not being able to look Emily in the eye as she spoke. "He seems nice enough, but when I go home - I see Severide who I don't know what to say too. He's one of my best friends, and I feel like - if I like Ryan, I'm betraying Severide in some way" Gabby said, Emily looked at her for a moment before getting up from her seat and giving Gabby a hug.

"It's okay, Gabby. I get it. That's what I love about you, your loyal to your friends. I understand that you don't want to like him, all I need to know is that you can at least be civil with him" Emily said, smiling at Gabby. She watched for a moment before Gabby turned towards her and smiled, giving her a hug before speaking.

"Of course I can be civil with him" Gabby said "Your my best friend" She continued before getting cut off as both of the boys walked into the kitchen still laughing at whatever it was that they where talking about.

Gabby smiled at Ryan, trying her best to get along with her best friends new boyfriend. Emily was glad at that. During dinner, they all sat listening and telling stories about their lives in action. Emily watched as Ryan spoke all about his years chasing down terrorists, while Matt and Gabby told stories about running into fires.

At the end of the night, all four of them had drank more than enough for them to be considered drunk. After Matt and Gabby left, Ryan and Emily sat on her couch both of them laughing at how drunk the other one was. The next thing either of them remembered was slipping into darkness, holding each other.

When Emily finally woke up the next morning, she was tangled up in Ryan's arms. She turned around so she was facing him, chest to chest, before watching him for a moment. Ryan woke up a few seconds later, smiling when he saw Emily's face. "Good morning" He said, brushing the hair out of her face.

"Morning" Emily said, for a while they lay on the couch - not wanting to move. It was only when the doorbell rang that the two of them groaned and got up from the couch. Ryan walking into the kitchen to make some coffee, while Emily went to the front door. Opening it to see Jay standing at her door with a bag at his side.

"I'm staying here for a while" Jay told his sister, moving past her into the front room. Emily watched her brother walking past her, confused on what was happening in front of her.

"I hate having siblings" Emily whispered to herself before closing the front door and walking over to where her brother was sitting. "Are you okay?" Emily asked.

"I saw Abbey last night" Jay told his sister, she thought for a moment.

"Your ex wife, Abbey?"

"Well, apparently we never got a divorce. I'm still married to her, and now she's back and wants to get back together" Jay told his sister, just as he finished talking Ryan walked back into the front room and passed Emily a cup of coffee. Jay looked at Ryan before looking down at his cup of coffee, Ryan sighed before passing his coffee over to Jay - who happily drank the coffee.

Before Jay could finish ranting about whatever it was that had happened between him and Erin, Emily announced that she was going to work. Leaving Ryan and Jay home alone together. Instead of going to work, Emily sent a text to Nick, telling him that she was going to be talking to one of her CI's and if they had a case - he could call her.

But in reality, Emily drove to the Silo's - looking at the grass that was growing. As she stood there looking at the city from across the water, all she could think about was the body that was buried 6 feet under the surface of the ground. Looking at the make-shift grave of Chris Fisher, she wondered if that was were everything had gone wrong.

Hey guys,

Some major stuff coming in the next few chapters.

Get ready.

Any guesses on what is going to be happening?

There are some clues in this chapter.

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