Excuse me mate

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After the confrontation between Severide and Jay, the two where both stewing in their own thoughts. While Jay was worried about how Kyle was going to react when he woke, Severide was left wondering if he had let the best thing in his life get away. 

Arriving at the hospital, Jay quickly went to his sister - pulling her into a hug straight away. "Are you okay?" He asked his sister, Emily then whispered a quick yes to him. Jay released Emily from his grasp and gave Jonathan a hug. It pleased Emily that Jay and Will had taken Jonathan under their wings, they had welcomed him into the family. "Here, why don't you go get a snack?" Jay said, passing Jonathan five dollars and smiling as Jonathan wondered away.

"What's going on?" Emily asked, turning to her brother with her face like thunder. 

"Why does something have to be going on?" Jay asked.

"Jay" Emily said, her tone of voice warning him to watch what he was going to say next. 

"I punched Severide" Jay said quickly, hoping in a way that Emily wouldn't hear his confession. 


"He ran off. Speedy he left you. I just wanted to knock some sense into him. And I think it may have worked" Jay said, a stupid smirk on his face - Emily smiled and pulled her brother into a hug. 

The siblings sat down on some waiting room chairs as they started the long night in the hospital. At the end of his shift, Will had taken Jonathan home, allowing him to spend the night in his spare room while Emily waited with Jay. It was around 3 am when Emily and Jay where woken up by Connor Rhodes, informing them that Kyle was awake and asking for them. 

It took the siblings a while to explain what had happened to Carla, but after they had informed Kyle - he just cried. Hugging Emily. Just watching this scene going on in front of him, broke Jay's heart. Over the years, it was rare that he had seen Emily cry. Now, seeing the tears slide down her face, just angered him. Someone had done this to his sister. That's what angered him.

As the older brother, Jay had always wanted to protect Emily, and seeing her upset just showed that he had failed in his job. After a while, Kyle fell asleep. Emily turned her head towards Jay, just to see if he was asleep or not. Just like she thought, Jay was slumped in a chair near the door of Kyle's room, sleeping. Placing Kyle down on his bed, Emily got up and left the room. Just needing some time to herself. 

After everything that had happened in the last few months, all Emily wanted was a holiday. Somewhere far away from Chicago, at the moment, she decided that as soon as Kyle was better she was taking the boys away. Somewhere with some sun, or maybe with a beach. As she thought about getting a Villa in Spain to hid out with the boys for a while, she found her mind would just wonder back to Severide. 

Did his mind wonder back to her? Something that she would never know. It had been nearly 5 days since he found out about Kyle, and she knew that he was aware of what was going on. But one question lingered at the back of her mind. Where was he? 

Outside the hospital, Severide stood looking at the ED welcome sign. It was taking everything he had not to run in there and grab Emily, just to hold her in his arms. But, after his talk with Jay, he couldn't shake what Jay had said. Did he really love her in the same way she loved him? Against his better judgement, Severide walked into the ED. Keeping a look out for Will, out of the Halstead brothers - Severide felt that Will was the most likely just to tell him where Emily was. 

"Excuse me mate" A dark haired man said, moving past Severide with ease. Severide carried on looking around, while the dark haired stranger walked towards the front desk of the ED. Waiting to speak to Maggie. 

"Can I help you?" Maggie finally asked the dark haired stranger, for a moment while she looked at him, she was taken back by just how good looking he was. His eyes where green which seemed to pair with his dark hair, as well as having stubble that just made other women melt. 

"Yes, I'm looking for Emily Halstead. Her son is a patient here. A Sargent Voight said that you would show me to where she is" The stranger spoke, Severide watched as Maggie smiled at the stranger before calling over Connor Rhodes, and asking him to escort their new friend to where Emily was at that moment. 

Severide couldn't stop the wave of jealousy that seemed to consume him at that very moment. As he watched Dr Rhodes, escort this stranger to Emily, he was tempted to follow them. Just to see who this person was that was going to visit the woman he loved. Part of him hoped that this stranger was a relative of Kyle's, but at this point he knew that he wasn't that lucky in life. 

Against all odds, Severide turned around and left the hospital. Not bothering to look back, as in typical male fashion he did the first thing that came into his head. He went to the closest bar and picked up the first female he saw. Trying to keep Emily out of his head while he did so. 

Back at the hospital, Emily sat in the waiting room with her head in her hands. She was overwhelmed by everything going on around her. 

"Hello, love"

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