It's hard for me, Kelly

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In the few days after her talk with Severide, Emily had returned to the UK to collect more clothes and formally quit her job. After having a conversation with Hank Voight, Emily had been offered a job with the Intelligence Unit - and she was also an FBI agent again after being reinstated. This meant that Emily could stay in Chicago with her family but still have time to fly back and forth to the UK to spend time with Grant. But this was becoming harder and harder to do. 

Whenever he was free from work, Grant would fly to Chicago to spend time with Emily - but most of the time this meant that they would be sitting in her office in the Intelligence unit or both fast asleep in the hotel room where Emily was staying. Grant had been introduced to both of the Halstead brothers as well as Emily's friends from Firehouse 51. 

As Emily drove to the Intelligence unit after dropping Grant of at O'Hare airport, she thought about all the time she had spend driving back from that same damn airport over the last few weeks. At this point, she could probably have done the airport run asleep. 

Back in Severide's home an argument had erupted between Meghan and Severide. After Severide had found out about what had happened to his photo, he just couldn't understand what had possessed her to break it in the first place. "I was angry" Meghan had said, trying to argue her side of the case "It's hard for me, Kelly. The woman who you where madly in love with has come back from the dead. How do I know that doesn't mean the end for us?" Meghan shouted to Severide as he walked into the kitchen trying to distance himself from what Meghan was telling him. 

"You really think I'd just jump into bed with Emily, after everything. Really? Do you even know me at all?" Severide asked her, with his arms open. 

"Well then, why won't you tell me about the conversation you guys had the other day?" Meghan questioned, wondering what could have been said that she couldn't hear. 

"How do you even know about that?" Severide asked. He hadn't even mentioned Emily coming around to the house for a conversation so he could avoid this with Meghan. Just thinking about the conversation they had been involved in was emotionally draining, and having to relive it all again wasn't something he was really wanting to do right now. 

"I saw her leaving the house" Meghan said, getting closer and closer to him. "Just tell me this. Are you still in love with her?" She asked, wanting to know exactly where she stood. When Kelly didn't answer the question, Meghan knew what this meant. So, she took a few steps away from him. "You love her. Kelly, if your in love with her just tell me" 

"I love her?" He finally said, sitting down at the kitchen table and taking his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Meg. I never wanted to hurt you" He told her. 

"Kelly, look at me" Meghan told him, slowly Severide lifted his head from his hands and looked at her directly in the eyes. "Emily is an important person in your life, and I'm not going to pretend that it doesn't hurt that you still love her. But if that's how you feel, then you need to man up and go be with her. I want you to be happy, and if that means we aren't together, then so be it. Before we even got together, we where friends - and I'd still like to be friends with you. But don't lie to yourself. I'm going to stay with Natalie for a while, good luck Kelly. Go get your girl" Meghan said, and with that she wondered up the stairs and packed some of her clothes before leaving the house. 

Severide wondered what he had done to get someone in his life that cared so much about him, in that way he was extremely lucky. Meghan had always been great to him and this now just proved just how amazing she was. 

On the other side of town, the Intelligence unit was talking through all the information that they had managed to gather over a human trafficking ring. From Jay's desk, Emily watched everyone talking to each other - taking in all the information that was being tossed around. It amazed her how the team interacted with each other, just like a family. But that's what Voight always said 'the police standing next to you are your family' and that couldn't have been any more perfect for the situation. "What do you think, Halstead?" Voight had asked, knocking Emily out of her train of thought.

"What?" She asked, getting a small laugh from Ruzek and Atwater. 

"Erin mentioned maybe they had been investigated before, can you reach out to any of your contacts?" Voight said. 

"A team like this, no way it's their first time" Emily said, picking up her brothers phone and calling the head of the Domestic Trafficking task force for the FBI SSA Andi Swan. After a few rings, Andi picked up the phone. 

"Swan" She said, answering this call as she would do any other.

"SSA Swan, this is Emily Halstead from the BAU" Emily told her "I'm investigating a human trafficking ring in Chicago and I was hoping that you would be able to match the MO to any other cases you have worked on" Emily said, the conversation between the to FBI agents lasted a while with everyone else carrying on with different leads in the mean time. Almost an hour later, Emily had a pile of cases that could be linked to the current case they where working. But according to SSA Swan, by now the traffickers would know that they are being tracked and would have moved on. 

So, Swan promised her that she would put a team on it and keep the Intelligence unit in the loop. A few hours later the intelligence unit found that SSA Swan was right. They had managed to track down the warehouse where the traffickers keeping the girls, but by the time they got there the traffickers had left - but not before killing three girls and tearing them apart. The sight that they walked into made Erin, Ruzek and Atwater sick - while Voight, Emily and Olinsky had been able to stomach the sight. 

Returning to the station, no one from the Intelligence unit wanted to talk about what they had seen that day. Emily worried about the young Detective and Officers. Even though they had signed up for this job, they didn't need to see that sight. But what Emily believed was even more disturbing was that, she knew it wouldn't be the last time they saw something of that nature. 

Two updates in a day is always a good sign. 

Who's heart broke for Meghan?

Mine did.

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