We, my dear boy, are soulmates

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In the days after her breakdown to Roman, Emily decided to spend some time on her own. This included moving into a hotel, and not calling or texting anyone back. As she lay down in her bath tub with a bottle of wine beside her, she felt the warm water swallow her body. Putting her phone down beside her, she turned her playlist from Tidal up. Letting the music engulf her mind. Every so often, Emily would take a sip of the wine in a glass beside her. Just as she started to feel the water around her getting colder, a knock on the hotel room door caught her attention. After three knocks on the door, she heard a voice shouting to her. "I can hear your music, Em. Let me in" The voice that Emily knew as Connor Rhodes called out to her. Picking up her phone and stopping the playlist, Emily called Connor's phone. Not wanting to leave the bath. "Why can't you just answer the door like a normal person?" Connor asked.

"I'm having a relaxing bath. What do you want?" Emily asked him, sounding meaner than she intended to sound. Connor stood for a moment, thinking about why he had come to her hotel.

"A newborn died on my table today" His broken sounding voice said, coming through the phone. Emily sighed before telling him that the door was actually unlocked and he could come through to have a talk if he wanted. Connor was the one to hang up the phone, at that moment Emily wasn't sure if he was going to come in - or walk away. But the sound of the hotel room door opening and shutting let her know what he was doing. It was at this point that Emily was glad she had chosen to have a bubble bath instead of just having a water bath like she had already planned. Connor walked into the bathroom after grabbing a glass for himself, knowing that if she was having a bath - she would have a large bottle of wine near her.

He sat down with his back to the bath tub while picking up the wine bottle and pouring himself a drink. "So, what happened?" Emily asked, using her foot to add some more hot water into the bath.

"Congenital heart disease. I operated and she died" Connor told his friend, Emily placed one hand on his shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I just don't know what went wrong" Connor said, taking a gulp of his drink. "Have you spoken to Kelly yet?"

"I haven't seen him since I was mid mental breakdown in the firehouse" Emily told him, laughing a little at the end of her sentence. "Everyone must think I'm an emotional mess" She continued, talking a small sip of her drink.

"I don't think your an emotional mess" Connor said to her, turning his head so he was looking directly at her. "I just think your crazy" He said, a smile etched on his face. Emily picked up some bubbles from her bath before blowing them in his face, leaving to two friends laughing. "You know, it's at this point in the movies where we would confess our undying love for each other and live happily ever after" Connor said, a smirk playfully placed on his face.

"I'm pretty sure you already know about my undying love for you" Emily said, smiling at her friend. Knowing that he knew what she meant.

"And mine to you" Connor told her, the two friends picked up their wine glasses before letting them click together with a small cheers. "Do you ever wonder why we are so close?" Connor asked, knowing that since they had met their friendship had seemed to spark out of nowhere. Meaning that the two of them could tell each other anything, and not have to worry about getting any judgement from the other.

"I already know" Emily said, gaining Connor's attention. "We, my dear boy, are soulmates" Emily told him, Connor looked at her for a moment with a raised eyebrow. Mentally asking her to continue. "Soulmates, aren't always two people in a relationship. You can be friends with them. Like us. We talk like we have known each other for a life time and neither of us judge the other. And right now, your one of the only people I can be myself around - that's what makes you my soulmate" Emily said, she watched as Connor looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Emily Halstead, when did you become for philosophical?" He asked.

"I'm a genius, are you just learning this now?" Emily joked, kissing Connor on the cheek before kicking him out of the bathroom so she could get out of the baths and get dressed. When Emily finally left the bathroom after getting dressed, Connor had taken it apon himself to order the two of them some food - which really Emily was pleased about. As the two of them ate, they conversed back and forth. Talking about anything and everything. "So, just to clarify - you are paying for dinner right?" Emily asked, winking at Connor who just laughed at her.

"I suppose" Connor said laughing "I did come in and ruin your night" He said, getting up from his seat on the floor and walking over to the bed in the middle of the room - getting in and covering himself with the blanket that lay at the end of the bed.

"Oh, make your self at home" Emily said, laughing at just how at home Connor seemed to be. "Do you ever think we will ever just be happy?" Emily asked, turning to look at her friend.

"We, as in you and me?" Connor asked.

"You know what I mean"

"I hope so" Connor told her, not really sure of what else to say to her. "We're both good people. But maybe, is going for the brother/sister combo wasn't what we needed. But hey, if neither of us are married or whatever when we are 45. We can marry each other" Connor said, reaching out to Emily to bump her fist.

"And why won't I be married when I'm 45?" Emily said her friend, raising an eyebrow at him.

"It's theoretical"

"Okay, theoretically why won't I be married at 45?" Emily asked.

"You know what I mean" Connor told her, throwing a pillow at her head. "Deal on being each other's safety marry?"

"Deal" Emily said, smiling at him before throwing the pillow back at him. "Hey, I love you. You know that right" Emily said to him.

"I love you too" Connor said back to her, getting up from his space on the bed and giving Emily a hug. "I've got to go, early shift tomorrow" Connor told her, kissing the top of her head before leaving the hotel room.

For a while, Emily sat on her bed - smiling that her friend was there for her. Growing up, she had only had her brothers really - making friends wasn't something she cared about doing. And now, she had people in her life like Connor. Someone who she could be there for no matter what, and someone who would be there for her no matter what. Just knowing this, made her smile.

Hey guys
Small chapter
But I just wanted to show how close Connor and Emily really are.
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