You painted my living room grey

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Emily Halstead and Kelly Severide had been sat looking at each other for a while, neither of them had spoke. Instead, they had just taken each other in. To Kelly, Emily had hardly changed - her hair had, but nothing more. When he looked at her, he could still see the woman that he had fallen in love with those 4 years ago. He could see the woman who he thought he would marry and who he believed would one day carry his children. 

It had taken Emily a while to pluck up the courage to go to her old house and actually knock on the door. Will and Jay had told her that Severide was seeing someone, someone who they even liked. So, she wasn't to be horrible. But Emily didn't plan on stealing Severide back, if that's what her brothers where scared about? After everything, she just felt like he deserved an explanation for everything that happened. 

As the two sat together in silence, Emily looked around the room. Noticing that nothing had really changed over the two years, it was like this room was some sort of time capsule that was stuck from the day she left. The only difference was the colour of the walls which Emily wasn't pleased with at all. "You painted my living room grey" Emily stated, looking directly at Severide wondering why he would paint over the lovely shade of teal that was once covering the walls. "I thought you liked the teal" She spoke.

 "No, Em. You liked the teal, it was like sitting underwater" Severide said back to her, laughing a little as he spoke. Just thinking about the old colour of the walls reminded him of all the times he found himself feeling sea sick while sitting with Emily in that room. "How have you been?" Severide asked, wanting to actually get to whatever it was she wanted. 

"I've been good" Emily answered "I've spent most of my time in London. How have you been?" Emily asked, being rather pointed with her question. 

"For once, I'm happy" Severide told her with a smile on his face, while most people would think that he was talking about meeting Steph - really he was talking about getting closer to the Halstead brothers and young Kyle. "Have you seen Kyle yet?" Severide asked, wondering how the young boy that Severide saw as a son had acted when he first saw his mother again. 

"I saw him a few days ago, he seems okay with everything. He mentioned that you looked out for him. I appreciate that" Emily told him, a smile on her face. "You really didn't have to do that" She said. 

"He's a good kid, he must take after Will" Severide said with a laugh, Emily shook her head at this - but still let out a little bit of a chuckle. "How long are you staying for?" He asked, wanting to know just how long she was planning to hang around for this time. 

"I don't really know, I mean - I've got a home in London. I really like being there and I just don't know if I'm ready to move back" Emily told him, looking at the floor not sure of what to say. What Emily didn't know was that Severide was saddened by the news that she may return home to London, it wasn't because he wanted her to stay so they could be together - but more that she had just gotten back and she was ready to go again. 

"Don't you miss it here?" Severide asked "We all really miss you" 

"Really?" Emily asked.

"Of course we did" Severide told her, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "Do you want a drink?" Severide shouted back into the living room. He listened as Emily shouted back to him that she was happy with a coffee if he was making one. Back in the living room, Emily was looking at some on the photos that where housed on the fireplace. One of them really made her smile, the photograph included Will, Jay, Kyle and Kelly all sitting in a dinner - presumably having breakfast.

The next photo she picked up was a photo of Kelly and Shay, she smiled thinking of the time when Kelly first showed her this photo and she had then insisted that it was put on the fireplace. Emily remembered Kelly asking her why she wanted a photo of a woman who she had never met on her fireplace, and to this day - the answer she had given him still made him smile when he thought about it. Emily had told him 'Shay was an important person in your life and through you, I feel like I know her. I feel like, she's someone important in my life. And that's not something I'm going to let you miss her alone'. 

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