1 Big day at School

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I breathed deeply trying to relax as I craned my neck trying to see the top of the structure that stood in front of me. The scale was to large to make any sense of it. I definitely got the excitement I signed up for. Finally I went in, I was early, I always needed time in any new school to calm down, this one especially. After some of the faculty took my bags I went exploring, I had one goal for the day - Talk to an Enormen. I walked down the short normal hall and into a hall with the wall missing, open to the expance designated for the enormen students and faculty. There was a cute giantess positioned against the wall below the walk way I was on, she was enjoying herself drawing. Part of me wanted to complement her on her drawing, but I chickened out. I did laps around the school each time retuning to the artist head down enraptured by her drawing, each time I walked away to scared to confront a normal girl, not to mention one whose finger was bigger than my entire body. After a while of wandering, the school started filling, none of the other Enormen students interested me like the girl in the hall. Looking at the clock school was going to start soon, I would like at least one friend going in, finally I got enough nerve to talk to the giant girl.

I stood behind her head on the walk way. Every time Enormen students walked by she shrunk back, she must be shy. Taking a deep breath I walked to the edge and spoke,
"Uh ... Hello" her head looked up in response looked both ways in the enormen hallway then shrugged and looked back down, never thinking the source came from above and behind her head. Realizing I needed to speak up I took another deep breath.
"Nice life size drawing" I didn't yell it but my voice was definitely heard. She froze and slowly turned surprised anyone was talking to her especially some only 2 meters tall (witch was small to her). Her glasses and eyes both showed me in their reflection. We both stared a couple of seconds before she looked back at her drawing
" ... Thanks ... " she said quietly
" ... It isn't life sized though ..." Eyes widening I realized what she meant, to her the the little cartoon drawing of a person in the corner of her page was a small doodle but to me was a life size portrait of someone my size.
"Oh uh, it's life sized to me" I awquardly stated. She smiled slightly before noding.
"I struggle with the dimensions though it would be easier if I had a model"
"I could do that" I offered not really thinking. Her response was staring at my small form, not knowing what to think. Heart racing I knew I couldn't back down now.
"I ... If y ... you wanted I could stand on your paper" I studdered losing my cool slightly. She looked away with an unsure face before smiling and noding, bring her free hand up to my level. What was a simple action for her nearly gave me a heart attack, as a gargantuan hand rose from below me casting a dark shadow as it did and lowering in front of me. Hesitating slightly to compose myself I slowly tread onto her hand. The force of being lifted and lowered in a soft giants hand is like no other experience, but it takes getting used to, as I learned falling face first in her palm. She giggled slightly in response before blushing and looking embarassed like she insulted me or something, I didn't mind one bit, in fact it helped settle my nerves a bit.
"Definitely gonna need to get used to that" I smiled, hoping to show that I found it funny too, it seemed to work as she smiled back. Finally I stepped off of her hand and onto a wide expance of white extending in every direction.
"wow" was the only word I had, then I looked up. I gasped as I saw the giant pencil hovering above me, her powerful hand gripping it lightly, her curious, but shy, and uncertain, eyes glaring down innocently. Her breasts also were held above me but I really pulled myself from staring. Suddenly her pencil moved as she studied my body and began to draw startling me even more. As the pencil moved I couldn't help but stare as the device shot across the expance drawing cartooned outlines of my features.

Thump thump thump I heard them before I saw the two particularly over dressed women passed by (by over dressed I didn't mean clothing, in that regard they and everyone else wore the same uniform, however these girls' hair make up and shoes were definitely over done), their legs moving impossibly fast as they neared. Without warning my platform shot up as the giant girl enraptured in her drawing instinctively pulled her knees up out of the way of the on coming girls. Again a simple gesture sent me tumbling down landing in the lap of her skirt, I was glad I didn't fall further. As I heard the two ladies quickly walk by, not even glancing at the girl whose lap was my ground, she relaxed lowering her monolithic sketchbook down then getting a worried, frantic look on her face as her eyes darted around looking for something.
"down here" I waved sitting up. Her eyes met mine and relaxed again.
"Sorry" she stated visibly embarassed.
"It's ok" I laughed "way better than an amusement park and it's only the first day of school!" She giggled in response
"It's gonna start soon" she said looking seriously,
"We should start getting ready for ... Whatever comes first" I noded as she picked me up and deposited me on the human walkway, before smiling.
"See you later ... Thank you for talking to me" she said gathering her stuff and stuffing them in her bag.

School for the Sizes - Perspective²Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum