25 - ... It pours

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Andrew strode through the rain, as they neared the school, other students could be seen. Luckily, most Enourmen partners sheltered their humans and assisted others with the water if need be. Others, took a more dissmisive or sadistic attitude, deliberately dipping and or dropping humans into pond sized puddles, sometimes with torrents of gutter flow that violently pulled at the small forms. Police and teachers did alot of preventing and Stopping such treatment, with help from other slightly more heroic students, and bystanders. Emergency services were flooding the area as much as the water was, trying to prevent human injury. And it went surprisingly well.
It was announced that morning that human students should leave their phone *conectable* to GPS even if they have no data, so they can be tracked and located if nessisary. The news, of course, was hovering around as well, writing an article on human perseverance in the unforgiving environment of a strange land.

Once the students were safely inside and it was announced that all students were present, everyone who cared sighed in relief simultaneously. Still others took a disappointed expression. Many Enourmen delinquents received hefty detention sentences, for inappropriate treatment of fellow students.

The day plugged along as expected, although boring, school was refreshing to some, like blaze, who had been experiencing stressful events frequently. Even those people were happy when the bell rang and the classes were dissmised for the day, and since it was Friday, the weekend.

Emma opened the door and we entered, cold and wet.
"I could really go for a warm shower" I shivered, glad I had Emma's body heat to ward off hypothermia.
"Yeah, me too, you should go first. I mean, I doubt you're going to use up too much hot water" she smirked lowering me to the walkway before she walked over and flopped on her bed tiredly. I smirked at the action since I could simpathise with the feeling.

After gathering a pair of comfy pajamas to change into after I was done, and a towel to dry off, I stepped into the human sized bathing area, that felt like sitting on a soap tray in the shower of the massive room. since they were separated technically we could have showers simultaneously, however even though we're living together, both would agree that was a little too much exposure ...
The water splashed down rhythmic and warm, cleansing, and relaxing. Every muscle seemed to loosen, and my mind was at ease, going mostly blank. Once finished actually cleaning myself, I stepped out and dried my body, Then slipped into my PJs.
"Your turn!" I called as I stooped to pick up My laundry. As I exited Emma entered, and the air from her closing the door, whooshed over me, Unsettling my balance. Making a slight *eek* noise I let go of the fabric but tumbled anyway, flipping over the railing and tumbling to the depths below ...

**Ok Voting and suggestion time, what happens at the landing? Don't worry about it being awkward, dirty or anything, just give me your suggestions and vote on the best ones!

PS sorry This update took so long and was mostly disappointing content and story wise**

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