3 Roommates

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She hurried to the Assembly, me cupped in her hands. The Assembly well under way, we snuck in luckily no one seemed to notice. Emma glanced at the human area, it would have been to difficult to sneak me in.
"I'm fine here" I said hoping to assist the look of worry on her face. She nodded and we tried to pay attention, That's when they announced it
"Each human will be paired with an enormen, you will be living, eating, sleeping, and learning together" both myself and Emma shared glances. the rest of the assembly blurred by ...
"Any enormen and humans, who already know each other may partner up now" I glanced around the room and back up at Emma, who was looking at the humans on the other side of the room.


I was shocked, The other students shuffled around getting partnered. Blaze still sitting in my hand looking just as out of words as me. A lady with a clip board suddenly walked up to us,
"Oh you two partnered up, can I take your names?" I stood speechless, Blaze stared up not knowing what to say either before sighing.
"I'm Blaze" he stated. The woman smiled an jot down his name then looked at me.
"And yours?" I hesitated.
"Emma" Smiling she took name,
"You may wait on school property" for further instructions she stated walking off. We stood speechless again.
"Well I guess we should get to know each other better" Blaze stated, still stiff I noded and walked out of the gym, I skipped the cafeteria as it would be too full of people, instead I returned to the hall I first met Blaze, the meter stick still in front of the locker that once imprisoned me.


Emma sat down, looking awquard. I don't blame her everything happened so fast. We sat waiting for the other to start quietly.
"Uh sooo I sertainly didn't expect that" I stated shrugging. Emma stared still shocked.

School for the Sizes - Perspective²حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن