2 Saving Emma

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I was walking away when I heard the bell and an announcement, suddenly the whole place filled with students of various sizes, But that wasn't what stood out. I heard her squeal and a louder chuckle before a screeching and click noise. As the hall emptied I saw two boys walk away from a locker with a screw wedged in where the lock should go
"Human loving Four eyed freak" they stated as they and the last few students entered the gym. I felt bad since it was partially my fault but didn't blame myself, still there was no way I was leaving her.

I could get her out if I could dislodge the screw, but to do that I would have to drop to the floor then, scale the locker with no hand holds. Sighing I looked around for what might help. An elevator, one used for human faculty to get down to the floor of the enormen hall and back if needed, It was just a platform with a control panel and quickly got me to the floor, now what?I looked around for something to get me up to the locker handle. Just in the door of classroom lay a meter stick ... Well at this size more like a kilometer stick, perfect but too heavy to lift, a plan entered my mind. Draging it to the elevator, holding tight, and pressing the up button, I was lifted to the walk way. It was incredibly difficult to manipulate the large piece of wood. walking backwards I grunted as I pulled the stick down a hallway branching off of this one, lifting my platform into a horizontal position. The next part was tricky (well trickier than everything up to this point). Moving the meter stick on an angle I pushed it towards the locker holding it level, it got harder the closer it got to the locker, luckily the handle was below the walk way so I could allow a little dip. With a final grunt I slid the stick in place. Waisting no time I steadied myself and teetered across, stopped at the screw, about as big as I was. Quickly I pulled the screw, it came out easily, but I soon learned that wasn't the problem. No longer being held by the screw and containing a condensed girl inside, the door swung open causing the meter stick (and myself) crashing to the floor.


Emma was trapped, Again ... I really hate people I thought, my thoughts drifted to the interesting little human I met. I didn't get his name, and I didn't give him mine. Suddenly the door opened quickly, at first but then a slow drift, a meter stick clambered to the floor. Startled and confused I looked both directions and called out.
"Hello?" I hesitated before trying to figure out what was going on. I tentatively took a step out, my periferal vision spoting a small speck underfoot but my brain dismissed it as garbage, various things were always scattered on the floor of a public area. Then I pieced everyting together and jerked my foot away at the last moment stomping beside a small dazed frame, who sighed heavily and feel back trying regain balance.


I sat dazed but uninjured, as a humungous foot drifted from the tin doors. Too dazed after the fall to move out of the way, or call out. The texture of her shoe and every detail of things she stepped on calling to me, I was certain I was joining them, when just before impact it flew to the side and crashed to the floor, a face of realization on the emerging giantesses face. PHEW I fell back trying to stop my spinning head while she crowched down, not understanding my perspective as her skirt lifted, my face heated and felt like I could fry eggs on it as I turned away. It took her a second with a confused look to understand the reaction, followed by her own face turning stawberry red, and a hand adjusting her skit. After a few moments of silence she finally spoke up.
"Emma" I looked up confused when she spoke.
"My name"
"Oh Blaze" I responded, pointing at myself, as I was greeted by a smile across her lips.

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