28 - Alive!

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My eyes opened slowly, I found myself in a damp squishy cavern, my heart ached, and my left arm felt kinda funny. I took a deep breath, I survived ... Barely, but I survived. I sat up ... Or tried to, but an unseen, wet fabric hung onto my limbs, keeping me firmly attached, I struggled, but the fabric only seemed to entangle me more.
Strange, Blaze just, Left? I surveyed the room for any sign of my little room mate, nothing. even after checking hiding places, like under the bed or behind the lamp.
♪driiing driiing♪ my phone alarm buzzed, signaling the end of the washing machines cycle. Frowning, and slightly concerned Blaze disappeared again, I traveled to the washer. Uneventfully, I opened the lid and began tossing laundry into the dryer, until something caught my eye, I thought it was a stain at first, but it was instead the exhausted, wet, and mostly naked form of blaze, coughing water up as he tried to speak. Realization hit me again, why do I keep doing this to him!? Tears welled in my eyes.
"Blaze!" I sobbed pulling him out of the crotch of my fuzzy pajamas.
"Don't cry really" I wheezed, as Emma's fingers worked my limbs out of the briar of fuzz. Being wet and out in the open I was immediately cold, luckily her hand that I rode on was warm. I watched as Emma finished putting the laundry in the dryer, tears dripping, slowly and gently off her face, one even fell directly onto my face, *splat!* It was startling, and my eyes stung from the salty tasting liquid, but I was fine. She took me back to the room where I was deposited on her nightstand, or I guess, my room? I was finally able to dry off and get dressed properly. It felt good, my heart, still ached concerningly but I didn't know what to do about it anyway.
Emma just stared at the ceiling laying on her bed, still silently shedding tears.
"Emma ..." I called, with no response.
"Really I'm fine! I have a great story to tell now" I chimed, trying to make her feel better. I didn't blame her, and neither should she. But, she seemed to ignore me anyway. Sighing I jumped across to her bed and walked up to her ear-cavern.
"Hey stop crying" I whined, running my hand along the soft skin, and cartilage underneath. Having no response I looked around for a way to get higher, her hair maybe? But I didn't feel like getting tangled again. Her arm laying down her side, seemed the closest and easiest to climb. And so I padded over, and pulled myself into her arm, then up onto her belly, she either was completely oblivious, or she really didn't care. I stopped to catch my breath, I was too tired and sore for this, so soon after my experience. Giving a quiet snort of defiance against my feeble frame I looked up towards my destination ... Shit ... I completely neglected something, Emma has breasts, smaller ones, but still big enough to cause problems, and awkwardness. Also her chin sat above her neck like an impossible cliff. Unfortunately nothing at this angle seemed to make a decent bridge to her face. Taking a deep breath I continued anyway, the fabric between her hills of flesh, suspended itself slightly, and when I stepped on in it gave a little, one careful and slow step at a time, I balanced myself as I ascended the unstable climb. Her breathing didn't help, causing the whole valley to rise and fall. When I had gotten a little more than half way, the shirt gave, collapsing to her chest, me along with it. Now making contact with her flesh, through her shirt, I moved to get up. A gentle finger moved its way up, and slowly proded my form, checking to see if I was alright.
"I'm sorry ..." She sobbed, sounding better but still distraught, her hand now cupped my form against her. I decided to stay where I was, and layed down in a comfortable position, we layed there for a while, until we both succumbed to sleep.

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