The Great Escape

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He hopped into the floor, glancing around for anything that could alarm the guards. He scurried across the hall, and down a piece to the door to the inner room. It didn't look like it was a prison, it was a normal door in a normal home ... Other than the fact that it was aircraft carrier sized. Slipping under the door was easy. Once on the other side, he ducked behind a furniture leg and scanned the room for guards
"4... 5..." He counted, hoping he didn't miss any. His attention turned to the cages lining the room. It was unsettling that most were empty ... It confirmed intentions of expansion of the *little* business. He sighed internally, eyes locking on his target.
"There she is" he breathed. He moved in the shadows, hidden from guard and prisoners alike, the last thing he needed was the pour caged souls to give him away by begging for freedom, or something ... Finally making it to his daughters cage, he glanced at the lock. It was a simple combination lock a bit bigger than a car tire. Swiftly grasping a device on his belt, he wasted no time in rendering the lock useless. The gadget used magnets to move the mechanisms within the lock, only dull clinking was heard as it unlocked itself. Carefully opening the door he entered the cell. Creeping up to his daughter, he cupped a hand over her mouth. She had noticed him moments before and went to screech in surprise.
"Shshsh, and follow me" he stated before twisting around, followed by the two who shared the cage. He led them through the house, painfully slower than when he was by himself. The light flicked on making everyone's heart stop. Luckily there was a stool to hide behind, and the titaness strode by without incident, shutting the hall light off once she reached the otherwise. The three breathed a sigh in relief, letting out the breath they were holding. Finally though, they were home free ...

***Hours Later***

"The students have been notified, all humans are being sent back home ..." A woman, in a pencil skirt shrugged.
"... What about the ones held captive?" The agent groaned.
"The enourmen government refuses to help ... A rescue mission is planned, but needs to be authorized by the human government ..." she sighed. The two fell in silence at the moment.
"I really thought this was going to work, I really thought it was working ..." She broke the silence.
"... Now it seems the rift between the two worlds is even deeper"
"...yeah..." was all that was said in response.

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