33 - Hiding in plain light

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As I was lifted into the water coming from his shower head, my breath was knocked out of me. each droplet felt more like getting a bucket of water thrown at you. if I was standing I would probably have been knocked over.
"... Hey!" I pleaded, but instead of help I was only slathered with soap, lathered with his large rough hands, then drown again in the torrent of water. I started to cry, he was actually scaring me, he continued to do his own *thing* when I had no intention of cooperating, I didn't want to have a shower with him, or be in the same room as him. And he pushed well beyond those limits, this wasn't fun, or kinky, it felt like I was a toy. Satisfied I was clean he set me down.
"See, was that so hard" he teased, completely oblivious to my pain.
I silently sobbed, my tears indestinguishable from the water from the encounter. I padded softly out of the shower while he finished up, drying myself and getting dressed quickly. Once free of the bathroom I glanced around, I didn't feel like being around when he came out ... Nor did I want to go out ... I guess that means I need to find a hiding place, if I want any sort of peace. My eyes saw all the little crawl spaces beneath the furniture, no, all he would need to do is go on his hands and knees and could find me ... My eyes followed my eyes upwards above arms reach ... A light fixture in the corner of the room was just what I needed, I could climb the curtain to get to the glass shade, once inside he would never even think to look there. if he turned the light on I might make a shadow ... But if I was on the corner side he wouldn't notice it anyway. I walked to my stuff grabbing a pair of sunglasses (just in case) a blanket, a book, and my phone and tablet. Tieing everything into a bundle was difficult for someone not used to doing it, but it was eventually secure. Alot of time was wasted though ... I began pulling myself up the fabric wall, one hand, then a foot, then the other hand, then the other foot, repeating as I climbed. Once half way up, I stopped to catch my breath, damn, this was harder than I thought.
*Ssshhh chnk*
The sound of the shower being shut of snapped my mind to a chilling thought, he just needed to get dried and dressed, if I wasn't hidden by then, it would be too late ... With an extra vim, I climbed furiously, my blanket - bag hanging from my shoulders. I could hear him shuffling around, he was probably done drying, and in the process of getting dressed. Frantic I finally grasped at the glass rim of the lamp, unceremoniously throwing my bag into the glass bowl. I heard the bathroom door opening and I practically lept into the lamp, pulling my stuff to the back ... Then I relaxed, as the massive bulb before me turned on, bathing me in a warm glow...

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