37 - Long term Commitments

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"you're going home" Emma stammered.
"What happened? Where did you go and you are springing this on me?" She continued, thoroughly confused. I glanced out at the military officers and back at Emma.
"I'm really not supposed to talk about it ..." I sighed.
"But basically the school has failed, and everyone is being sent to a different school ... For us humans, it means going back to our side of the world ..." I said the words, but I didn't really have anything to get back to, the whole point of coming here was to go on an adventure, and actually get a life ... Emma stood quiet a moment glancing at the green clad men in the front door of the appartment, who may have looked like army men action figures to the towering enourmen girl.
"Emma ..." I groaned, she perked up in response.
"I don't really want to go ... I enjoyed living here with you ... Okay that sounded wrong but you get what I mean ..." I admitted
"Yeah ... " She sighed equally disappointed.
"Can I ask for one last ride? I have to tide with those nice men, but you can carry me to the door and then meet us at the airport" I suggested, she smiled and nodded in response offering a hand, in which I threw my suitcase, and clambered in. I was lifted up and with only a few steps was let off at the door. The soldiers were edgy and suspicious of Emma, then again, it was their job


"Hey!" A familiar voice cut across the crowd of the airport.
"Sup loser" another piped in
"Rebecca! Taylor!" I exclaimed waving from the human platform full of people urgently leaving, and signs up everywhere advertising the close of the human sized stations. They both looked much better than last I saw them, though Taylor was still in a body cast. Rebecca lowered Taylor onto the platform and a PSW took the back of her wheel chair.
"It sucks this is happening" Taylor groaned.
"Keep in touch?" She whined up at her larger companion.
"Of course!" Rebecca winked.
"See you" she waved at both Rebecca and me, as she was wheeled away onto the plane. Rebecca's cheerful demeanor fell away as her pocket sized companion was pushed away. She gave me one last glance before giving me a weak wave, and shuffling away, and hiding her incoming tears. Emma and I glanced at each other awkwardly and silently a moment.
♪do do do do♪
"Attention please, the last aircraft for the human continent is now boarding, all staff and remaining passengers please make your way to the terminal"
♪di di di di♪
"I guess I should go ... " I sighed, waving reluctantly and walking away. Ahead of me was a door labeled *air terminals* and I took my place in line. The rushing sound of the plane Taylor just boarded whooshed overhead. I glanced out the window at my plane and sighed, secretly wishing it would break down and strand me here.
A blast of yellow flames erupted from somewhere nearby, people screamed as my head spin. I was apparently knocked to the ground, in that split second of the explosion. I looked up to see a gaping whole in the building, giving me an excellent view of the plane being untethered and making an emergency take off, Zooming away from the carnage. A massive form crashed towards me, I looked up at the shadow, just as a droplet of liquid as big as a basketball landed on my head. A salty taste, mixed with the irony taste of blood filled my mouth. I instinctively reached up to rub the liquid from my eyes. The form bent forward, and fleshy walls surrounded me. I was lifted up, another large droplet crashed beside me. The fleshy platform lifted me up to a familiar face, Emma's. I weakly smiled as another tear from her weepy eyes struck my face. The tear only became saturated with blood, after it hit me. I again reached up instinctively. A bubble of blood flowed out of my head, the water tension of the enourmen side of the planet keeping it in a bead of liquid that I could hold in my palm. I put a hand to my head to apply pressure.
"Attention, All remaining humans are now my property." A rather self satisfied, and familiar woman (the same one who kidnapped me before) stepped forward, waving a signed legal document in front of her. Emma sobbed and in two smooth motions dumped me and my suitcase into her pocket.
"Yes sorry ..." Emma sniffled quickly smuggling me out of the wreckage. I guess I got my wish, to stay here with Emma. My mind started going numb and my head rested against her body, staining her pocket with a red blob. I smiled, just before I fell into darkness.

The End?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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