30 - Bus ride

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I stretched one last time after slipping into a pair of jeans a comfortable shirt and a black hoodie. Sighing in content, I flipped my phone open and checked the time, if I was going to go to the store, I should probably do it before the last bus, otherwise it'll be midnight before I get back. I thought about blaze for a moment, it was quiet, he was probably asleep, I guess I don't have time to wait for him to get ready ... And I planned on getting some clothes anyway, it might be awkward to have a tiny male along for that, especially given his ... Disadvantage in height, leaving him so I can change could be dangerous for him, and I wouldn't want to cause him anymore pain ... Actually it'll be good not having me around to ... Bother ... Him. Convincing myself, I grabbed my things, stuffing them into my hoody, and exiting the apartment.

What little light there was, was blotted out, as she pulled the third item over her head. At least she was done getting dressed, the bending, stretching, squishing, bouncing, jiggling ... It was disorienting for a barely awake increasingly exhausted man pressed against my roommates mammary organ. It was also getting increasingly hot, muggy, and hard to breathe. The world shifted as she turned to the side, in an almost graceful sway to the side. Then the rise and fall of her breathing, were replaced with the much sharper rise and fall of her steps. Her breast just kind of flopped as her foot settled then ascended with her other foot peaking as the leg swung then flopping back down as that one planted. This continued for a while, then she stopped and stood, shifting slightly with impatience. She crossed her arms at one point, smushing her breasts slightly. The sound of vehicles rolling past were always there, and the slight smell of gasoline exhaust assaulted my lungs 'gah Enourmen still use fossil fuels, each of them must have cancerous tumours bigger than me!' I wheezed slightly, both from constriction and the foul pollutants in the air. I began to miss home, better technology, cleaner air, no risk of being in awkward positions with giant women ...
*Screee pchoouff* the sound of air brakes were a welcome change, finally things were at least happening!
*Reeetsk* the sound of a bus door was heard just before Emma began stepping, this time up a small set of stairs.
*Flump flump flump* her chest, - and me - was thrown around until the relative steadiness of her regular gait, as she found a seat. Her posture reaked of discomfort and anxiety, I couldn't help but want to comfort her, but I also couldn't move ...
*Bfbrrrrung* the thrum of the engine buzzed, vibrating my prison, the sense of movement could be felt as the bus began to roll.

The bus pulled in front of the mall building, I pulled my earbuds out and quickly exited the vehicle, sighing in relief as soon as I was able to stretch in a relatively open area, although, there was still people *EVERYWHERE* but that's to be expected down town, at the mall.
I glided into the building, barely glancing at any of the *uninteresting* stores, but noticing a few had signs that said [Now with human supplies!] Although I felt it was neat, I didn't pay it much attention.
I strolled down the hall until I came to the first store that I knew I would be going to - a women's underwear store - I needed some extra pairs, because some of my others had gotten old, stained and just plain ripped ... this is part of the reason I didn't offer to bring blaze along as well ...

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