16 Shoes!

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"Well we made it to lunch" I sighed as I was lifted with Emma's books.
"I promise not to eat you this time" she retorted, leaving the room.
"I don't have a Lunch packed, so let's just get cafeteria pizza" she suggested hurrying to grab one and get out before the mob arrived, quickly she paid with some change in her pocket, even though there was a sign that said
*Debit prefered* due to the simplisity and convenience of having a unified currency ... Also humans found it difficult to handle, flat tire rim sized coins; and Enourmen coins that were basically grains of sand.
Just as we exited the doors busy with sound as people flocked to the food like vultures, although it was busy already, now it was bursting, but at least we were out, and of course heading to what I can only call *our spot* in the hallway. Emma collapsed with a sigh, I had to picked myself up.
Watching Emma carefully as not to become lunch, I took my human sized pizza off the plate and sat down away from her food. Satasfied I was safe, I took a bite.
"Mmm it's actually pretty good!" I exclaimed, after swallowing.
"Little greasy ..." Emma responded honestly.
"Still good" I chuckled up.
The rest of the lunch went uneventfully, Emma worked on her drawing, I was enthralled just watching. Just before lunch ended, Emma set her books down and stood up.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom before class ... This time without you" she teased, smiling down genuinely. There was nothing for me to really do but wait...
The bell rung and Emma wasn't back yet, she hadn't been long, a minute or two. I sat on her books still waiting, as the hall filled with more and more people. The echoing footfalls and booming voices of the Enourmen. And the chatter from the human walkway above. The hall filled with more and more people, making it increasingly unsettling for someone whose entire form could be crushed, almost unnoticed with a single step. Especially since I couldn't see faces from down here, they weren't after all, looking at the floor.
Then it happened, a stray sneaker colliding with the corner of Emma's book, Sending it, and me, skittering across the floor. I rolled on the cold tile until stopping in the open hallway, massive boots, shoes, and sandals colliding on the floor around me. Frantically, I looked the direction I came from, the girl who had, accidentally knocked the book had already picked it up and was setting it back with Emma's stuff, evidently missing that I was sitting on it.
a wayward flipflop landed in front of me, knocking me out of my anxious freeze. Thinking quickly I dove forward, hoping to grab hold of the foam padding and get the persons attention, but instead it life's high above me and shot forward, before I could. With a grunt, I fell forward, that clearly didn't work. Picking myself up, I barely had time to dodge a running shoe that had agressive looking grips on the bottom. Stumbling away, I was briefly aware of a shadow behind me, then a rush of air as a foot fell behind me, just in time to catch my fall. Unfortunately, it didn't wait for me to catch my breath before lifting into the sky, knocking me forward. I caught myself this time, a moment of accomplishment shadowed literally by massive (even by Enourmen standards) football player. After a moment of awe inspired fear, I avoided his heavy steps.
'Making progress, I'm still on my feet' I internally stated. My focus, was getting to the wall, it would be safer to get too Emma's stuff that way. Another shadow, another foot, I dodged, only to be hit in the face with a loose shoelace.
No bitchslap has anything on shoelace, my whole face stung. Then to my horror, I was thrown upward, sailing through the air, before plummeting back down to the earth, slamming into it. After a moment of shock and confusion I realized one of the laces fibers had entwined itself in my own laceing. Panic surging, I reached to untangle it, but not before the familiar feeling of G force pulling at my form as I flew to the heavens. a few moments of weightlessness, just enough to see from a higher perspective, my destination disappearing behind me. The lace stretched like an elastic, then pulled itself back, flinging it, and me, underneath the shoe. I saw with horrible detail the: Dirt, grass, gravel, the unfortunate remains of bugs, that I would rather avoid joining. I slammed against the bottom of the shoe, which I quickly pushed myself off of sending the lace flipping in the air. And then, of all the times, my shoe came loose, and I was yet again tumbling through the air. I collided with the rim of something soft, and flipped inside. The dark walls shot up as I plummeted within, the smell of musk wafting up from beneath. As if I didn't have enough feet for one day ... I fell into a boot.

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