21 - Abuse part 3

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We ate, we arranged some bedding for a makeshift bed in the box, we went to sleep; The evening was uneventful, the night however, was both scary, and enlightening.

The box was slightly stuffy, and being placed on the floor, was cold. Needless to say I slept very lightly, waking up the odd time in the night, usually followed by a gentle frustrated sigh, and trying to roll into a more comfortable position, Finally I sunk into, the fabrics, fusing with their essence.
A window shattering woke me up, followed by a suprised squeek, and whine if fear.
"BITCH!" an agressive sounding man boomed, slapping my former captor in the face, blood already visible, from the blow. She struggled, against him, eyes wide and teary, she looked completely different, she was no longer confident and relatively bright eyed.
"Hey! How did you...!" Taylor shrieked jumping from her bed, soon met with a backhand that sent her flying. Rebecca again writhed for freedom, causing the man to stumble backwards, kicking my box and spilling the contents, and me, over the floor. After crawling to safety I glanced around the room in shock, what was I supposed to do? What could I do? Phone I could call the police! I reached into my pocket and ... Dead ... I guess I'll have to get into the habit of actually plugging my phone in, they don't have Tesla towers for wireless charging here on the giant continent ... Cursing, I watched as Rebecca was beaten into submission and dragged to the window, sobbing weakly. My legs moving on their own I dashed for the kitchen, Rebecca plugged her phone in there right? I think so? I scurried in gasping at the cliff like countertops ahead of me. Grunting I ran to the space between the stove and cubbard, pushing on both surfaces to climb up. I haven't done anything like this since I would do it in the halls at home as a kid, this was significantly longer to work my way up, and I would be quite sore and winded when this was done ... After reaching the top and flopping onto the sterile surface, I caught my breath for a few seconds before sitting upright and scanning the dark room for her phone ... To my horror I saw her phone ... On the table. Grunting I eyed the gap between me and the table, could I make it? The man was almost to the window, I had no more time! Gulping, I threw myself towards the table landing stumbling then falling back, shrieking I reacted grabbing hold of the edge. I hissed as my arm bore the weight of my dangling form. Using any strength I could muster, I pulled and reached, slowly lifting my body onto the wooden surface. Trying to stand my ankle stung, apparently I sprained it. Limping to her phone I tapped the screen, it lit up but no hollow graphic display appeared like I expected, again, way to easy to forget the tech difference between the two races. Tapping *emergency call* the dialtone buzzed. A reflection in the glass screen caused my eyes to go wide and twist around, just in time to roll away from a fist, that crashed into the table with a thunk!
"Hello~ what is your emergency?" A distant voice was heard. The voice remained silent as I dodged blows.
"... Hello?" The voice asked. Desperately I scrambled towards the microphone,
"HELP!" I spat as a massive callased hand fell on top of me gripping me in a rough prison of flesh. His form twisted as my form was thrown into a massive trashcan. He then rushed away, dragging his captive with him. It felt like ages as I listened to the man squeeze Rebecca out the window, it wasn't until sirens faint flashing lights and the sound of a firm
"FREEZE!" That I finally had another glimmer of hope.

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