36 - The cage

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I was taken to a room, where rows of cages lined the walls, each of them filled with humans. Some of them could be heard crying, banging against the bars, and or screaming to be let out. Others behaved like everything was normal. There were some labels on each cage, I didn't see every detail, but it commented on the health, training, age, sex, and race. I was taken to my own wired *home* and thrown in, the door slamming behind me. I got up to rush the door, but it was quickly locked. I grunted turning to look at my surroundings, filled with a feeling of hopeless dispair, as if it was hanging in the air all along.


The man glanced down the halls, they seemed quieter, and less crowded than earlier in the week. And worse, his own daughter seemed to be missing.
"Excuse me ..." An enorman girl asked, looking down at the human platform.
"Yes" the man responded looking up.
"My roommate didn't show up to first class ..." She frowned.
"I haven't seen him since he was driven away by the ... taxi thing" She stated, lacking the words she needed.
"What taxi?" The man asked slightly confused.
"... The driver said that all human students had to be driven to school for safety" she shrugged, slightly suspicious.
The man's face dropped.
"Go to your classes, I'll deal with it" he assured with a sense of power, before he took off down the hall.


She was thrown in soon after me, a red haired girl, who, had alot of fight as they dragged her into the cage. She snorted like a wild animal when they eventually got the door locked. She turned to me.
"Where is this place!?" She demanded snarling.
"I know as much as you do, I could make some guesses from looking around though ..." I sighed.
"I'm blaze, did you get picked up by a car too?" I asked offering my hand.
"... Yes" she sighed shoulders dropping. We sat in silence for a while, there wasn't much either of us could really do.


The house might as well have been a fortress to the human man. It looked so inconspicuous, but he was sure his *intelligence* was correct. He moved like a shadow, examining the human sized doors.
'why would an enorman want human sized doors?' he thought suspiciously.
Deciding, that since he didn't know what was inside, he better take a safer route. His suit had many useful features, a miniature shield-field, a cloaking device, a lazer grapple ... Not your standard piece of equipment. Pointing his arm up to a windowsill, he fired the lazer grapple, which immediately started pulling him up. Once on the ledge, he glanced inside, it seemed empty. Though strangely there was human walk ways around the room, much like the school, but more of an afterthought, installed afterwards. He grunted as he pushed the window slightly, just enough to slip in. Once inside, he could hear the voices of people around him, flicking on his infra red goggles, he gasped at the sheer number of human sized dots, all trapped in a central room. The only exceptions were concentrated around a much larger blob, and enorman woman, who seemed to have the other smaller creatures milling about like slaves at her feet. He groaned in discust, and then in frustration, he expected all he would have to do is break a few out and all would be good, but there was no way he could get that many people out ... He sighed, changing his plan, since he was here, he was going to find his daughter, then ... He sighed thinking about the implications ... the politically devistating, news was certain to spark war, there's no way something like this could have gone unknown by the police force ... It was then he knew, *the school of the sizes* had failed ...

(Okay sorry for not being very regular, but I'm going to college, and that's my priority currently ... Anyway I hope you enjoyed this one)

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