22 - Pain

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There was a scuffle as the officers subdued the man as he cursed and spat. Soon after an ambulance was dispatched. Rebecca fished me out of the garbage, an unadmitted thanks playing across her face. After a quick ride to the hospital, we were all patched up, I was the least injured, with minor bruises. Rebecca was bloodied and bruised, needing a few stitches on her face and she had marks on her wrists from being gripped so tightly, that was only the external damage though ... Inside, she was shaken, and quiet. Taylor was completely broken ... Her collarbone, five ribs, and her right arm & leg, were all broken, as well as verious scrapes and marks. She'll be in a wheelchair for a while, it seems.

All patched up it was just a matter of waiting for Rebecca to have a chat with the police, up to this point, in silence.
"Sooo ... You ok?" I asked glancing over to Taylor in her wheel chair. Shifting as best she could with her neck brace and body cast, she faced me.
"I'm fine ... But I'm worried about Rebecca ..." She sighed, like a kettle needing to release pressure.
" ... Well she seemed shaken up, but you were literally thrown across a building the size of a football field, it's surprising you survived, I think we should be a little more worried about y..."
"You don't understand!" She spat, frustrated.
"That man ... Was her father ..." she continued. I sat confused for a moment then realization struck me and my face lifted instantly in shock.
"... We became pen pals set up by our councilors, back in elementary school ... Back then she had just been removed from his house, and he was never allowed to see her again. He used to beat and rape both her and her mom, and she was really messed up because of it ... They even had to stitch them back up in ... Both places ... " Taylor sighed shifting uncomfortably, clearly not wanting to get into any further *details* of a more personal nature.
"He was never supposed to find her ever again!" Taylor sobbed.
"She was feeling more happy lately, but now ..." Taylor finally had to lift her good arm to wipe her tears, if she was able, she would have twisted away from view.
" ... Thank you for telling me" I sighed, appreciating the insight.
"Well, you are kinda involved *sniffle* I think Beccy really appreciated what you did, and I think she would have wanted you to know now ... And also I hope you'll forgive her for everything she did ... She tends to hate men in general ... " She sighed,
"Especially ones who seem perverted, cross boundaries, or just seem to take advantage of women ..." She stated suggestively.
" ... Well I ... I really didn't mean to be in any of those places" I sighed, she watched me for a moment.
"I know, that's why I'm telling you" the silence that ensued because thick and awkward.

After Rebecca was released from police custody, an officer gave up slips of paper, each stating that we could take some time off school to *recover* and was signed by both principals. I didn't have much that a good night's sleep wouldn't fix, (other than it was now daybreak) but I still appreciated the day off, sleeping and being lazy all day, my 2 favorite things.

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