10 Water torture

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Water fell at high pressure onto my form as the new giantess snickered at my drowning form. It was hard since the current was so strong, and any time I did get some sort of stability a turquoise and brown manicured finger flicked me back into the vortex of clear liquid swirling in an impossible storm of aquatic hell. I barely noticed the sound of the door opening before I was scooped up, held tightly in a massive palm hiding me from whomever walked in. I could still hear poor Emma heaving in the stall. My captor began to walk the hand that clutched my form swaying slightly. The click of a bathroom stall sounded before the hand released. Still spitting out water I tried to talk to ... whoever this was,
"I ... wasn't  trying to... peek..."
"Shhh you'd say whatever to get away! And here I thought humans were smarter, yet you still act like animals peeping on innocent girls!" Considering how quickly she was to accuse and torture me I doubt they are all that innocently. She lowered the seat of the toilet and sat down.
"There's a lot I could do to make you miserable... Doll" she smirked clearly enjoying the control.
"So many discussing objects you could be used to Replaced!" I didn't like where this was heading, especially considering  where we were.
*knock knock*
"Um you have my friend, I'm  sorry I brought him in" I nearly yelled in joy when I heard Emmas voice, my captor giving a disappointed look opened the stall door.
"Who are You?" She asked quite rudely.
"E...Emma ... I needed to puke ... and I was holding him ... that's why he's here ... I'm sorry" looking at the pale girl nervously sway as she spoke made the grip on my torso loosen.
"So you were telling the truth ..." she thrust her arm suddenly and I found myself in another, softer, gentler grip, and with no more words the stall door slammed. We sighed in unison.
"I'm ..." I could see the apology in her eyes swelling with a faint glimmer of tears.
"No don't  worry about it ... let's just go ... I hope I never see the inside of this room again..." she smirked briefly, before returning to a glum expression.

We returned to our spot and sat in silence, neither wanting to imagine what that girl would've done in that stall, Neither wanting to break the silence.
"You must hate us..." Emily spoke up, staring at the lockers ahead.
"Huh?" Was all I got out.
"We enourmen ... can be so mean to you"
"You aren't mean ... besides that girl was just trying to find justice... in her own twisted way" I shrugged
"Yeah" she responded weakly.
the bell rang for class, at least the day was moving forward. We could be out of here soon ...

School for the Sizes - Perspective²Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang