7 Class

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My shy nature made traversing the zoo that was the gym quite difficult. But, I eventually found myself sitting in the quiet classroom.
"Hello" the little person on my desk greeted cheerily.
"Hello" I responded with a smile.
"What are your classes ... I mean I'd assume they are pretty similar, just by the way they seem to expect things to work" he shrugged, pointing to the name tag.
"Yeah ... My schedule is:
"Oh that is the same as mine, except C and I have a spare, probably deliberately" he tilted his head as a gesture, I nodded.

"Hello class!" An Enourmen woman walked in holding her smaller co-teacher in her hand. After setting who I assume is, Mr Brown the platform under the board, both teachers turned to face the students. After waiting for the students to shuffle into their seats, they begin.
"Hello, students! I am Mr Brown and this is Ms Williams" the human teacher talked into a microphone
"You may have noticed Ms Williams name is completely capitalized. This is to differentiate between the two species in the future and we would like you Enourmen students to do the same" he continued, confirming some suspicions.
"Classes are shortened today, after this class you will have lunch, then go to your remaining 3 classes, those with spares are to go with your partners, if you both have spares you can both do whatever. Now, with that out of the way, as this is the first class we just want to get to know you so starting on the right side, stand up and state your name, Humans then your Enourmen partners. Now begin"

Multiple students stated their names before Blaze, and myself, had to say ours. It wasn't long before everyone had stated their names, having nothing else planned and with some extra time everyone was just chatting, and waiting for the bell.

Me and blaze just sat in awkward silence. I should've said something, I guess I was to nervous though. But really, what is there to worry about? He is only a little taller than my thumb, I could dominate him easily. Of course, I would never hurt another person. But why was I scared to talk to him? Why was I scared to talk to everyone?

♪brrrrrring♪ the bell signifying the start of lunch rang and everyone shuffled out. I carried blaze out as the last to leave, besides the teachers.

//So would you prefer I keep this ... PG? Or would you prefer a bit of sexually related descriptions?//

School for the Sizes - Perspective²Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora