32 - Annoying Giants

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"Get up! It's the weekend, you are wasting free time!" I shouted in annoyance at his laziness.
"Nnnggg" was his response, not even using words.
"Fine! Waste your day! I'm going to go have a shower, and wash your smell off!" I grunted kicking his face and stomping across his pillow then onto the night stand. He only groaned rolling over and ignoring me. Was this a guy thing? Or an enormen thing? ... Whatever ...
I gathered a few things and headed to the shower, I had to admit that the platforms around the room for me to walk around felt very weird; more like it was some sort industrial space. I arrived at the little platform designed for human showering, it was admittedly unfair that the humans only got a shower, but the Enourmen had the tub if they wanted a bath ...
The water cascaded over my form, washing away alot of tension immediately. I stuck my head under the water to get my hair wet, when the Enourmen door opened.
"Hey! Get out!" I screeched, but he didn't listen as usual. Instead he lifted his shirt off.
"Don't you dare!" I snarled, already guessing exactly what he was thinking.
"PERVERT!!!" I screamed as he ignored me slipping down his pants and briefs. My face took on the colour of my hair as his naked member turned to face me as he entered.
"You are discusting..." I grumbled, turning away from him.
"Whaaat? You wanted me to get up, and I got up, I thought you might like some company" he chuckled in amusement, turning his water on. I felt like screaming at him, but I had no words, he was too just stupid to reason with. I sighed silently, enjoying the water too much to leave.
"Fine! Do what you want, but stay on your side, you've got plenty of space!" I snarled at him. He just shrugged, glancing at his much larger *side* of the shower, then glancing back at me.
"Your eyes count too!!!" I hissed, showing off my teeth like a dog. He shrugged again smiling in an annoying amusement. I watched him for a moment, his dripping body reaching over and picking up a bottle of soap. Hesitantly, I went back to getting my hair wet, I had to groan at how easily his short hair got soaked through. Finally my hair was ready for soap, Andrews hair long done he had moved on to his face and head area. I sudsed myself up, and suddenly became aware of a set of eyes observing my body, taking advantage of my unprotected body as my hands reached up to my head.
"What did I tell you about your eyes!" I snapped covering myself up.
"You told me to keep them on my *side* and they are" he pointed to his eyes, in the middle of his big dumb head high above me.
"You know what I mean" I groaned in a deflated voice.
"Apparently not" he grinned wildly.
"Ugh, that's it!" I stomped, rincing my hair off quickly.
"I'll have my shower after you are finished" I spat, turning off my water and stomping away.
A mass of flesh wrapped itself around me before I could make my exit.
"Hey!" I shrieked as I was pulled back and up.
"Hey, is right ... You haven't finished washing, you barely even started!" He stated sternly, like a parental figure.
"I will ... When I'm not being invaded by giant stupidheads!" I snarled punching and kicking at his grip. All I wanted was to shower in peace! Was that really too much to ask!?

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