17- Feet!

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The sound of the hall filtered down from above me, the insides of the leather prison radiated heat, evidently, the boots were changed recently. For what and why I could only guess.
"Hey Sarah!" A voice boomed.
"Natalie hey!" A closer, louder, annoyingly chipper, voice responded.
"I was just, changing my boots, they were hurting my feet." The same voice sighed.
"I just wish I didn't have to carry them around all day ..."
"I have an idea! Just put them in the change room until you go home"
"Ah, good idea" I barely had time to catch my breath,
"HEY, DOW..." I was cut off as fingers entered the hollow tower and my world was tossed around in a weightless blur. I was vaguely aware of girly giggles and voices, as I bounced around, trying to breathe and steady myself. Then with a final motion and sudden stop, the boot landed. My head spun and I felt like vomiting, I don't know if I blacked out, or was just so shaken I lost track of myself, either way, I regained awareness at the sound of the second bell, I was officially late. Taking a breath of thick, musky, leathery, air; I stood up, or rather I tried, but bumped into the roof.
"Ow ..." I muttered.
Crawling instead of walking, made my way to the opening, or the closest I could get anyway. I stared up at the daunting climb, no one to hear my pleas for help, I began my climb.
Grabbing hold of any fabric I could, I pulled and pushed, trying to scale the surface. Any progress I made was short lived as I slid down without anything to stabilize my fall, a
"damn it" escaping the boot every time I did. Sweat dripped from my brow and my shirt felt damp, it was hot in here, any fresh cool air that filtered in was gladly accepted.
*Squeak* a door opened up, and the room filled with chatter.
"HEY!" I yelped, to no avail, I was too winded, and it was too noisy to be heard. A few shadows danced across the opening of the boot, then after a final shadow, the book lurched, tumbling over. Seeing my chance for freedom, I frantically scrambled for the exit, once free I collapsed on the cold floor. Shadows continued to dance across my eyelids, and as much as I felt like laying there some more, I knew I needed to move. Slowly I opened my eyes, the lights in the room where bright, and I had to squint to see, but above me and all around me were, you guessed it, the female phys-ed class, all of them wearing nothing but panties and bras. I sat stunned for a moment more before averting my eyes. As much as I enjoyed the view I needed to get out of here! I crawled under a nearby bench, I will just wait for all the people to leave, it will be safer.
Slowly the room emptied, Until there was silence. Sighing in relief, I walked casually to freedom. In an instant I was swept off my feet, pulled into the air, and was staring into the massive eyes of a very, pissed girl. And to make things worse, it was the same girl from the bathroom ...

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