29 - *Sleeping together*

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I don't think the schools staff meant it quite so literally, but I slept on the chest of my ditzy enourman roommate. Unlike some nights, -where I would find her sprawled out like a Lovecraftian horror, tangled in her blankets in odd ways,- she had stayed still, which was good for me, since I didn't really want to be tangled in that *big* mess.
♪beep beep♪ the alarm clock rang, Emma lazily rolled on her side, throwing an arm over to swat the device like an annoying bug... Perhaps I spoke to soon, as I now found myself pinned beneath her right breast. She sighed in content at the silence after the alarm stopped, she relaxed, unknowingly crushing me between her Titanic members. They were small breasts ... But on a woman the size of a high rise, they were like entire mountains ... If mountains were squishy  and soft ... it still baffled me how I was so dwarfed in comparison to her most mundane of parts.
I was Mostly awake, but still sore, my heart still aching, I slept well but was still exhausted - I don't think I want to go through the wash again ... not being in immediate danger and not having to worry about school for the week end, I allowed myself to sink into her soft flesh and fell back to sleep. A little while later, I felt myself waking up again, my mind was racing through everything that happened, the tights, the kidnapping, the washing machine ... Trying to live alongside enourmen was, much, more difficult than anticipated.
I rolled between her flesh to my right.
The problem of coexistence stretched beyond mere xenophobia, which was still a big issue, it was the sheer adjustment of two very different -and yet similar- creatures.
I tossed myself back to my left.
It's natural to carry on your life without a heed to little objects around, how many bugs have been crushed, just out of sheer accident? And how many were not even noticed? Does anyone care? What if that bag was sentient - a person!? What if you were that bug, so insignificant that you get caught up and unknowingly crushed in the life of someone else.
I rolled onto my back, facing up.
How can you expect that person to pay attention to every detail, every footfall,
"... man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step" {Jer 10:23}
How true those words are ...
My eyes shot open and I groaned in frustration, 'im trying to sleep, not get all deep in philosophy' sighing and trying to relax myself, I heard, or rather felt Emma's voice, vibrate through her chest, It was very quiet, and garbled. Looking up in curiosity, my thoughts were interrupted by her hand sleepily making its way towards me. 'what did she say? What is she doing?' I wondered not yet concerned by her actions. That changed as the hand clapsed itself gently on the breast pinning me to the ground. Before I could question, it applied immense but slow pressure, gently (to her anyway) squeezing the mound into its double, myself caught in the middle. I grunted beneath the pressure, trying to remain breathing, although I had been through alot worse things lately. Emma's chest fell rapidly as she heaved a large sigh, before her body suddenly lifted upright into a sitting position and a stretch. As cute as she may have looked, it was very jaring for me as her arm position squished her tits together enough to take me along for the ride, when she released her stretch, they also released me. An almost panicked reaction, I grabbed at the first thing I could - her pj collar. I wheezed an attempted Yelp, but my voice betrayed me, resulting in mostly silence. My grip shook as she stood up, an almost sickening movement, but nothing compared to trying to hold on while she shuffled towards her dresser, shifting her weight back and forth, how interesting it was watching something so mundane from a different perspective, mind boggling. My mind was brought back to the moment as the fabric beneath me shot upward, I tumbled back onto the top of ... One of her breasts anyway, I was a little too disoriented to discern which one ... My voice still not obeying my wishes as I tried to screech sliding down the front as she bent over for something, luckily she stood back up, whipping her hair out of her eyes, before I fell. I gasped for by breath, and clawed for a better footing. Then I noticed the shadow, I had no time to react as a fabric wall pressed into me, a trapping me pressed tightly against her, I was able to tell enough to know - that I was inside her bra ...

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