24 - When it rains ...

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I tapped my foot excitedly. 5... 4... 3... 2...
Finally I can go home and see how Blaze is doing!
*Bzzzt "attention students the weather forecast calls for rain tomorrow. Human students are advised to stay indoors unless accompanied by an Enourmen, for your own safety. Enourmen students please be mindful of the danger the weather posses to your partners and assist them as nessisary. Thank you~ that is all" click* I heard as I traveled the hall, just hearing the announcement as I walked out the door. I didn't pay it any attention, I was too distracted on the fact that my roommate spent the night at a hospital and police station!
I rushed into the door of the appartment tripping slightly on a pair of jeans just in the door, when did I even wear these? Kicking them asside I wandered over to the sleeping form of the human. He looked like a doll, unmoving, other than his breathing. I was suddenly filled with an uncertain feeling, should I wake him up?. So, I ended up just ... Staring ...

I slowly woke, over a time that felt like hours. I sighed in contentment, but felt odd, like I was being watched. Finally I couldn't help but open my eyes. I jumped at the sight of Emma's face hovering over my sky, staring.
" ... Uh hi ... how was school?" I asked awkwardly, pulling the sheet up protectively, even though it did nothing for actual protection. She blinked then looked away.
"Oh ... Boring ..." She sighed, standing up.


The door opened like a castle gate, revealing the torrent of water beyond.
"... It's sure coming down huh?" Andrew stated frowning.
"No shit Sherlock! Those drops are literally the size of dogs and cats!" I frustratedly scolded him. I was currently sat on his shoulder, he had an umbrella blocking most of the rain, but the odd sprinkle still patted me and my face, oh guess Andrew too. I had to admit, I was glad his neck was warm, the cold rainy weather chilled the air and my small body. The rain dancing on the top of the umbrella really sounded like a troop of noisy tapdancers. And the water falling from the edges was like the waterfalls on the human side.


The geography teacher waited patiently with the other teachers, it was after all their duty to make sure all of the human students made it too and from school safely, on the first of many rains to come. The students have had many troubles cooperating these few days, the strain of human deaths or injuries, could be the peace programs undoing, and that was his duty to prevent, as a teacher and as an agent of the government... At least his daughter seemed to be getting along her Enourmen partner.

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