At the airport

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January 2012


"Oh holy shit! I'm late." I reach over to my phone and unlock it. My flight to LA is going to take off in 1,5 hours and I have overslept. It's almost 5.30am. I call a cab to pick me up.

-flashback earlier in the evening-

It was my first week in New York and I already love it here. It's really cold, but I don't mind. I'm from Austria so I'm totally used to cold winters. I have a lovely little flat and I like my new kindergarten. The kids are amazing and my work colleagues are fun to work with. They asked me out for dinner this evening, just to get to know each other better. It would be a great idea, if I did not have to fly to Los Angeles the next morning. Two of my friends there invited me for their winter wedding and I was looking forward to that, because I really love them.

Anyways I decided to join the dinner. I told them, that I won't stay that long. After I got ready I left my flat. My suitcase for LA was already packed, so I had no stress.

We went in a really nice sushi restaurant and I enjoyed the company of my5 colleagues. They are great fun and we laughed a lot. We talked about everything and time went by quickly. We left the restaurant at about 11pm. I wanted to say my goodbyes to them, but Rachel begged me to join them for a bit longer. They told me, that they wanted to go to a karaoke bar. I was torn. I love singing and karaoke is always so much fun. But on the other hand I really wanted to go home thinking about the flight. But they persuaded me.

It was so much fun. We actually entertained the whole bar. I really love going out, dancing, having fun. I'm kind of self-confident and love partying. But I don't need alcohol to have fun. A good company is enough for me. We sang along to 80's hits for hours and I enjoyed myself. What a good way to make new friends! I totally forgot time. I got home at 3am. I took a quick shower and got dressed, because I decided not to go to bed anymore. I sat down on my couch and just wanted to close my eyes for 5 minutes. But I fell asleep.

-end of flashback-

I stand in front of my apartment building and wait for the taxi. "Come on, hurry up!" I think to myself, when it finally stops next to me. I jump in and about 30 minutes later I arrive at the airport.

I am so stressed and tired. I feel terrible, a headache is starting and there are already too many people at the airport. I check in and rush to my gate. After the security check I enter the waiting area before I can get on the plane. It is 6.30am. Way too early for me. God, am I tired. And luckily for me there seems to be no free seat where I can sit down until I have to go on the plane.

I look around. People are talking way too loud and some girls standing next to me seem to be really exited. I make my way through the people and search for an empty seat. And there it is! Yeah. I am wondering, why nobody else takes it. "Maybe someone is at the restroom" I think. But 5 minutes later still nobody sits down. I decide to get this chair. I walk over and ask a girl sitting next to the seat, if it is free. She smiles at me and nods. I sit down and thank her.


I am so tired this morning. I had some promo stuff to do in New York the last three days and now we want to go back to LA. Four days off, I can't wait. My team and I had already checked in and we are waiting to get on the plane. We all sit there together. So many people join us here, I feel a bit uncomfortable, because some of them recognize me, stare at me and talk about me. Thankfully no one comes over for a picture or autograph. They all seem to respect my privacy or maybe it is just too early for them as well. My team chats with each other, I am just listening, when I notice a girl coming up to me. "Here we go" I think. She looks funny. Really tired, her hair in a messy bun and I have to smile. She seems to be older than me, about 24 and I always feel kind of honored to have older fans as well.  "Can I have this seat or are you expecting someone else sitting here?", she asks with a raspy morning voice. I nod and she sits down. "Ok, no fan!", I think and smile to her. I look at her, her eyes are closed  and she is yawning. I don't know why, but I have to smile again. My manager asks me something and brings me back to reality.


 I'm trying to relax a bit just to clear my mind. My headache is getting worse and I am hungry. I just close my eyes for a second to breath in and out. When I open them I notice some people smiling at me. Two teenage girls are giggling and whispering something to each other. I look down on my clothes. Maybe they are dirty. Nothing. Suddenly a guy takes his phone out and takes a picture of me. It is really weird and I start to get angry. I am just about to get over to him, when I decide to ask the girl next to me.

"Hey, I'm really sorry to bother you, but can you just have a look at my face?" I say and look at her. She turns around, stares at me first and grins. "What's wrong with your face?" she asks. "I don't know. Is there a pimple somewhere or does my make up look weird?" I answer. She is laughing at me and says "That's a first! No one ever asked me that, when I talk to them for the very first time! And by the way, you really look beautiful!" "Well thank you. And you are beautiful too. But people starring at me and I think this guy over there took a picture of me." I tell her. She bursted out laughing.


Oh my god. She is hilarious. I can't stop laughing. She does not have any idea of who I am. I noticed this guy taking a picture of me, I'm used to it, so I didn't say anything. But this girl is really funny, she starts to make me feel more relaxed and lively.

"Don't worry about those people, I think you a overreacting. Everything is ok!" I try to calm her down and my words seem to help her. "What's your name?" "My name is Justine and I'm just super tired. Maybe that's the reason why I seem to be crazy. Normally I don't ask strangers to search for pimples in my face. I'm sorry for that!" she says and smiles at me. "I'm Demi" I tell her and I try to find out, if she recognizes me. "Hi Demi! Nice to meet you. And now I don't want to disturb you any longer" she says and turns herself a way. She does not know who I am and I really like that.

Some minuets later she taps my shoulder and I have to grin again. "I'm so sorry. It's me again" she says with a guiltily voice, "I need a bottle of water. Can I let my purse here, so that no one steals my seat?" "Yeah, I'll watch it, no problem!" "Do you need something to drink?" she asks me. I deny and she gets up.

"Thank you so much. These gummy bears are for you. For tolerating me. I'm really not that annoying. It's just too early for me and I just need to sleep!" she winks at me and handed me a pack of gummy bears. She sits down and drinks her water.

"Don't worry, you don't bother me at all. Where are you going to? I mean I know you are going to LA, we all do. But do you live there?" I ask her. She seems to be nice and I really want to talk with her. "I lived in LA from August to December. Right now I'm living here in New York. I'm going to a friend's wedding. But I almost missed this flight because I had a very long night!" She tells me her karaoke story and all I can do is smile.

Suddenly the voice of the loudspeaker asks us all to get on the plane. My team and I stand up. "Don't you go on the plane?" I ask her. "Well yes. I just want to go to the restroom before, because I hate to use the toilet on the plane! I wish you a good flight. Maybe we are seeing each other at LAX again." she answers. "Have a nice flight Justine!" I tell her. I am kind of disappointed that I have to go. I sit down on my seat in the plain, my security man, Max, sits next to my, the rest of my team behind us. The seat on my left is free. "Yeah, I can sleep and lay myself down on two seats!" I think and smile, thinking about the conversation I had with this funny girl.


I'm washing my hands and checking my face. "Pimple, I really said that! Demi is a really nice girl! And I am really awkward. Oh my god!" I say to myself and notice that I smile. I get my boarding pass out of my purse and queue up to go on the plane. I look at my boarding pass and grin "Wow, first class tickets? Thank you Alex and Patrick!" They really bought a first class ticket for me. That's amazing, I can't wait to fall asleep in one of these comfortable seats.

I finally get on the plane and search for my seat. I look on the numbers and find it. I have to smile and say "So I guess I will bother you again. But now I have to sit right next to you for about 5 hours! I'm apologizing myself just in case" Demi looks at me and starts laughing.   

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