Thanksgiving (2)

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This was the best dinner ever! Oh my god! How I would love to place myself in this food! Turkey, salad, sauces, bread, vegetables, pies! I am dying! I already opened my trouser button, but I just can't stop eating!

And I am trying my best not to laugh too much because Demi and Justine are acting so cheesy! They are smiling at each other and I know that they are having a little foot dance under the table! But at the same time they are acting so shy and not confident at all! I have to change that and I already have a great idea! I just need Marissa's help! This is going to be great!

She is sitting next to me anyways, so I just lean over and whisper: "You want to be my partner in crime?"
Marissa laughs and answers "Finally! I think I want the same as you do! Let's push them a bit!"
I high five her and we earn questioning looks from everyone. Justine turns red again. Oh my, she knows me so well because she already shakes her cute head. No chance missy! This time there is no chance that you will run away!


Lucas is seriously freaking hilarious! Such a funny and crazy guy! I already love him! We were talking a lot during the dinner and we get along well.

And then he had this awesome idea of watching a horror movie together! He told me that Justine really hates them and always needs a cuddle buddy. We all know which buddy we want to give her! Just thinking of that makes me smile!

 While I am preparing everything for the movie, I asked Maddie to help me too! She begged Demi and Justine to take her to bed! And it is working! They are just in her room, so everyone gets ready in the living room.


After the wonderful dinner, where Demi and I were just looking into each other's eyes, Demi's parents went out to meet some friends. A lot of our friends left too. Just Mitch, Lucas, Marissa, Matt, Dallas and Rob stayed. Dianna and Eddie asked us to take care of Maddie. Maddie was really happy about that but soon after the dinner, were we played some games, she wanted to go to bed. With her big sparkling eyes and the cutest face ever she begged Demi and me to take her to bed. Seriously, who can say no to this girl?

After she changed into her pajamas she sat herself on her bed and handed me her brush. She seemed to enjoy me brushing her long silky hair, because she didn't say a word. Minutes later I felt Demi sitting next to me on the bed, resting her head on my shoulder. Shivers were running down my spine and I felt a goose bump everywhere. We sat there in silence until Demi started to hum a melody I don't know. She took the brush away and Maddie laid herself down so that I could tuck her in. She got lots of hugs from me and Demi before we wished her a good night and went back to the living room. Demi took my hand in yours while we walked down the stairs. We didn't say a word, just enjoyed the moment.


Before we walked into the living room I let go Justine's hand. I know it was not the right place, especially because we didn't talk with each other about our status. It felt so weird to not feel her that close, our hands just fit perfectly together.
When we entered the living room I was smiling. Marissa had organized everything for a movie evening. Woohoo! How I love that! I saw that there was only one couch left to sit down and get comfortable. I felt so happy, because Justine had to sit next to me and I even got happier when I realized that we would watch a horror movie. And I could still remember the last time I saw one with Justine!

Justine isn't that happy about the movie choice. I can see her getting nervous. She is looking around in the living room and she is wrinkling her brow trying to find an excuse to walk away. That is so cute! Marissa smirks at me, letting me know that I should go for it. So I just grab her hand and pull her next to me on the couch. 
D: "Are you ok?"
J: "Ehm, no! I am not in the mood to watch a horror movie! You know that I hate them!"
D: "I know! But look, we are all here! Nothing will happen! If you want to, I can hold you like the last time! Trust me Justine!"

Because of you (Demi Lovato fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now