i love you

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jughead and archie's friendship has been rocky since the incident that happened over summer. neither of them wanted to drift apart from each other but that's just what happened. unfortunately though, the death of jason blossom has brought them together again. they've been talking more and more each day, their old friendship slowly rebuilding itself.

"hey arch?" jughead questioned while laying on archie's bed.

"what's up?" archie responded turning his attention from the tv to jughead.

"do you think we're ever gonna find out who killed jason?" jughead asked
archie shrugged.

"who knows. hopefully though, it's scary to think there's a maniac walking around these streets who could kill any of us at any time."

jughead just nodded in agreement
there was a brief moment of silence before archie said.

"you know, i'm glad we're becoming friends again. i hated how we fought"
jughead frowned a little.

"yea me too but i'd rather not talk about that right now" he said.

"why not? we need to talk about it. we haven't yet and it's bothering me." archie sighed.

"why is it bothering you? didn't seem to bother you when you did what you did." jughead snapped.

"ok juggie be like that, but just know i'm not the only one who was in the wrong." archie rolled his eyes.

"oh so now you're blaming me for what happened." jughead said rolling his eyes too.

"i'm just saying i'm not the only one at fault" archie sassed.

"i'm tired of this"

"what's this?"

"you" jughead huffed and got up to leave the room.

"jughead, cmon, wait" archie sighed.

"what?" jughead snapped.

"why are you being like this?"

"like what?" jughead questioned.

"so sensitive" archie said softly.

jughead noticeably relaxed at archie's words.

"because, i, never mind" he sighed.

"you what?" archie asked curiously.

"i think, no i know, i love you archie. and i have for a long time. so i get kinda sensitive when we fight like this because it reminds of the summer, when i felt like i lost a person i love forever." jughead said so quickly and quietly that archie barely heard.

"you love me?" archie asked dumbstruck.

"i mean, i kinda just said that" jughead joked with a little smirk.

archie didn't say anything he just sat on his bed staring jughead dead in the eye.
"you good archie?" jug asked, beyond confused.

still nothing. but instead of just staring at jughead, this time archie got up from his head and went up to jughead, he stood so close that they might as well have already been kissing. he lightly lifted jughead's chin and looked him in the eye before he attached their lips. the kiss was slow and sloppy, but perfect in its own way. their lips worked perfectly together for a few seconds before they both needed to pull away for air.

"i, uh, i love you too juggie" archie smirked and all jughead could do was smile.

a/n: yea ik, that was really cliche and cheesy but oh well (also really short but who cares) i'm taking suggestions so feel free to suggest away

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