he ran away

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recommended by @sarrahdarcey

it was another typical day. jughead was still living with archie for a little while until he could find a steady place to stay.

archie and jughead were both sitting on archie's bed watching some random netflix show on jughead's laptop. everything was fine and normal. for jughead anyway. archie on the other hand was dying on the inside. lately whenever he got in close proximity of jughead, he would lose all control of his bodily functions. his heart would start to race dangerously fast and his hands would start sweating, butterflies would crowd his stomach and sometimes he could barely even form words. it was crazy the effect that jughead had on him. the worst part is he can't do anything about it because he knows that jughead doesn't feel the same way. if jughead did feel the same way then he would be just as nervous as archie is right now, but he's not. he's perfectly fine and calm. while archie is trying so hard to stop his heart from beating out of his chest.

archie looked at jughead who was very intently focused on the laptop screen in front of him. archie thought he looked so adorable, he was frowning slightly at whatever was happening on the laptop and a little piece of his hair fell in his face due to the fact that he wasn't wearing his beanie to hold it up.

archie couldn't contain himself anymore and did something that he's been wanting to do for the longest time. he leaned over so that his face was right in front of jughead's and before jughead could say anything, archie had connected their lips. the kiss was great while it lasted, and it didn't last long, because almost as soon as it happened jughead had pushed archie off of him.

"w-what are you doing?" he stuttered, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand

"i-i uh, i don't, i don't know. i wasn't thinking. i'm sorry." archie apologized, his heart breaking as jughead closed his laptop and stood up

"i'm, i'm gonna go." jughead mumbled before practically running out of archie's room.

archie sat on his bed, suddenly missing the warmth that he didn't know jughead had given him. he tried not to cry, tried not to care, because he knew jughead didn't feel the same way. it was his fault that this happened. he didn't even know why he did it. something just took over him and the next thing he knew he was kissing jughead. i guess he just didn't expect jughead to react the way he did. but jughead ran. he ran away. he kissed jughead and he ran away and now he feels like shit.

"fuck" archie mumbled to himself before flopping down face first on his bed so that his face was buried in his pillow. he yelled into the pillow and just laid there for awhile until he couldn't breathe and rolled onto his back.

he was trying to imagine where jughead had ran off to. he couldn't be too far and there were only a handful of places he could be, so if archie wanted to go find him he could. but he didn't want to. he was already embarrassed and hurt enough that jughead had ran off on him, he didn't wanna have to face jughead and feel that embarrassment all over again. so he just laid on his bed, looking up at his ceiling, trying not to cry. crying made him feel dumb and weak and he hated it. he hated feeling weak. but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop the silent tears from escaping. he didn't full on sob and have a breakdown, but the tears did keep rolling down the sides of his face uncontrollably. now instead of trying not to cry, he was trying to stop crying. but he couldn't. no matter how hard he tried the tears just kept coming. so eventually he just gave up and let the tears come. he felt so dumb. crying over a boy who probably doesn't even care about him, it made him feel stupid. but at this point he didn't care. his heart was broken and he literally felt like it was physically hurting. that was the worst feeling he's ever felt. feeling like someone had just reached into his chest and tore out his heart and then nonchalantly threw it away. just like how he hates feeling dumb, he hates feeling this pain. but the pain wouldn't go away and all night he just felt empty and broken and fragile.

eventually he cried himself to sleep and woke up even sadder than when he went to sleep. when he woke up, for a split second he forgot about everything that had happened, but then that split second was over and the memories of the day before flooded back to him. he felt like he was gonna cry again but he didn't. he could actually hold the tears in this time. but he still felt empty and broken. it felt weird waking up and not seeing jughead sleeping peacefully on his floor.

archie sighed before grabbing his phone from the other end of the bed and checking it. the first thing he saw was a text from jughead and his eyes lit up and his heart started racing.

from jughead:
can we talk? please?

*a/n: lmao, i left y'all on a little cliffhanger, i know i'm so mean. there will be a part 2 so stay tuned. also i was going through all your guy's comments and some of you make my day with your comments (most of them are funny as hell) so thank you 😂

qotd: what other fandoms are you guys in?

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