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jughead had been married to his wonderful wife, betty, for about a year now and they were thriving. the two of both them have a passion for traveling and photography which makes their relationship extremely exciting and adventurous. they were currently in australia for a week on one of their spontaneous adventures. the two were comfortably cuddled up with each other in their hotel bed, just enjoying each other's presence. they really didn't have many plans for today, they just figured they'd go with the flow and see where their adventurous minds would take them, which usually ended up being something wildly insane and sometimes even life threatening but hey, you only live once right?

"babe, we should probably get out of bed if we plan on doing anything today." betty says, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"you're right, but i kinda like just laying here with you." jughead says softly before placing a soft kiss on betty's forehead.

"that's cute. but as much as i'd love to stay in bed with you, i'd love to go explore sydney while we're here." betty says.

"fine, fine. i'm hungry though. let's get breakfast before we go." jughead suggests.

"of course, i'm starving." betty says before getting up and heading over to her suitcase full of her clothes.

once the two had gotten dressed and ready, they were off to the nearest diner they could find. after a few minutes of driving in their nice little rental car, the pair had found a cute and quaint diner that they both agreed probably had amazing food.

the diner wasn't packed, but it surely wasn't empty. employees in cute little uniforms were going around taking people's orders and bringing customers their food. the diner had a very nice homely feel to it and jughead and betty loved it.

"hi welcome to andrews' diner, party of two?" greets a kind faced girl through a thick accent as she notices the couple had just entered.

"yes, party of two." jughead smiles.

"right this way." the girl says before leading the couple to a booth perfectly sized for two people.

betty sat across from jughead as the girl took their drink orders.

"i won't be your server because i'm about to go on break but i'll put in your drink orders, what would you guys like?" the girl asks kindly.

"i'll have a cup of coffee." jughead says.

"i'll just have water." betty follows.

"alrighty, your server will be right out with those drinks shortly." the girl says before walking out into the kitchen. 

"this is a nice place. i hope the food's good." betty says as she looks over the menu, scanning for something she might want.

"i know, i hope so t-" jughead stops short of what he's saying once he catches a glimpse of their server who was currently making his way towards their booth.

"a-archie?" jughead stutters once the boy is close enough to the booth for jughead to be sure it's him.

archie looks like a dear caught in headlights as he nearly drops the coffee and the water he was currently holding in his hands. he almost looked like he was about to cry and although jughead knew exactly why, betty was confused.

"you guys know each other?" betty asks.

"uh, yeah, umm. we, uh, we used to be really good friends." archie says as he snaps back to reality and hands the two their drinks.

"oh." betty says, still very confused as to why archie and jughead didn't seem happier to see each other if they were once such good friends.

"how, umm, how have you been?" jughead asks archie awkwardly.

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