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*not really smut but kinda smut warning? lol. also max from the gay for pay one shots is in this one.*

"dude, is that a hickey?" archie asks max who was calmly minding his business on the couch while downing a bag of hot cheetos.

"yeah, that girl i hooked up with last night loved using her mouth. she would've given me hickeys all over my body if i let her." max says mid chew.

"sheesh. you know i've never gotten a hickey?" archie admits casually before sitting opposite of max on the couch.

"you've never gotten a hickey?!" jughead exclaims as he enters the living room of their shared apartment, overhearing the boys' conversation.

"nope. i've given them, but have never received." archie shrugs.

"that's mad unfortunate my guy. i'm sorry for you." max shakes his head.

"shut up." archie laughs. "it's not that serious."

"not that serious. getting hickeys is so nice, especially if the person really knows what they're doing." jughead says.

"facts, that shit will have you wanting to bust before you even whip your dick out." max says causing the other two boys to laugh.

"i'm serious. but maybe that's just me, i have a super sensitive neck." max adds.

"yeah we know." jughead chuckles.

"how do you know- oh..." max trails off, remembering when they had all gone gay for pay together.

"i thought we agreed we wouldn't talk about that experience anymore." archie says.

"yes please, can we not?" max cringes.

"sorry, sorry." jughead laughs. "but anyway archie, you should definitely have the next person you hook up with give you a hickey. it's a must."

"well since you guys are such pros, how about you do it?" archie jokes.

"i mean i guess, it wouldn't be the gayest thing i've ever done to you." max shrugs. 

"dude, i was joking." archie chuckles.

"shit, my bad." max blushes and goes back to eating his hot cheetos.

"max is right though, it really wouldn't be the gayest thing we've ever done. if you actually want one of us to give you one." jughead admits.

"you guys are so fruity, you know that?" archie chuckles and shakes his head.

"hey, it's only gay if we don't say no homo." max says.

"i'm pretty sure it is no matter what." archie laughs.

"look, do you want to experience getting a hickey or not?" jughead asks archie.

archie thinks about it for a second, looking back and forth from max to jughead.

"fuck, i hate you guys. fine." archie huffs.

"we need your full consent my guy, don't want any charges." max says.

"i give you guys permission to give me a hickey." archie laughs.

"both of us?" jughead asks.

"yeah, why not?" archie shrugs.

"alright jughead, let's go." max says.

archie moves to the center of the couch and jughead and max sit on either side of him, max on the right and jughead on the left. jughead and max look at each other and chuckle lightly before starting.

jughead starts at the base of archie's neck, closer to his collarbone and max begins working on the area just below archie's ear. they both start slowly, licking light circles and nipping slightly at the skin they working on. archie, who was a bit tense at first, begins to relax. he leans his head back against the wall behind the couch, allowing the two boys more access to his neck, and shuts his eyes in pleasure.
the boys take his reaction as an invitation to start moving a little faster and darken there already forming hickeys. this earns a soft, breathy moan from archie and he reaches up to play with both boys' hair as a way of non-verbally saying 'good job.'

the boys continue moving their mouths, and nipping at archie's neck for a few more seconds, earning a couple more moans from archie as they perfect their hickeys. then almost simultaneously, they move away from archie's neck and admire their masterpieces.

"sheesh. that's a good one." max says, looking at the hickey he just made.

"mine's kinda good too. dark, but not dangerously dark." jughead says as he tilts his head to get a better look at the hickey.

"are you guys seriously analyzing the hickeys?" archie laughs.

"yes, is there an issue? didn't seem to be one when were sucking your neck." max sasses.

"yeah, you got me there. you guys are super good at that." archie admits.

"i can tell. you're a little um, excited." jughead says looking down at archie's crotch then back up to his face.

"but apparently we're the 'fruity' ones." max says, putting air quotes around fruity.

"shut up. i think we're all a little bit fruity if i'm being honest." archie says and max and jughead nod in agreement.

"i'll be back though. i have something i need to take care of." archie says as he looks down at himself before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

"have fun!" jughead calls after him and archie flips him off in response.

the two boys left on the couch laugh and give each other a high five, proud of their accomplishment.

a/n: i'm sorry for taking so long to update this, i just haven't felt very motivated lately but here's this. hope you guys like it lol. also i love max, i'm glad i created him bahaha.

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