first date

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today i'm going on my first date with jughead and i am beyond nervous. what if i screw up everything and he ends up hating me. or what if he realizes he's just not that into me and never wants to see me again.

"stop worrying" betty said when i ranted all of this to her.

"that's like telling me to stop breathing. i can't not worry. it's impossible." i said
"archie, you'll be fine ok? he wouldn't have said yes if he didn't want to go on a date with you."

"you don't know that. he could just be being nice and giving me a chance even though he doesn't want to." i sighed.

"that could be true. but it's probably not. so just go and be confident and don't overthink everything."

"i'll try. thanks betty." i said before hugging her and leaving her house.

the drive to where jughead and i were going for our date was short. we decided we didn't want to go anywhere fancy and chose pop's. i pulled up to the diner and immediately saw jughead sitting in a both by the window. my heart dropped and i started to get butterflies.

"grow some balls and just go" i told myself and with that i headed into the diner.

as i walked over to the booth jughead was sitting at he looked up and got the biggest smile on his face when he saw me. "hey archie. i was starting to think you weren't gonna show up" he laughed.

"oh, i'm sorry. i just couldn't figure out what to wear, it took forever" i smiled.

"don't worry about it, i understand. i hope you don't mind but i ordered myself a milkshake already, didn't know if you wanted one."

"it's fine, i'm not a big milkshake person."

he just smiled at that comment and there was an awkward silence.

"so uh, thanks for giving me a chance and going on this date." i finally said.

"pshhh, are you kidding me. thank you for asking me to go on this date. i was shocked honestly." he said.

"shocked? why?" i questioned.

"why? umm because you're fucking archie andrews. hottest guy in the school, great football player, smart, and you can sing, how could i not be surprised that someone like you would wanna go on a date with someone like me?"

"that's flattering but i think someone like me and someone like you don't have very many differences." i said.

"yea except you're really popular and i'm the kid no one looks at twice." he mumbled.

"i looked at you twice, more than twice actually" i smiled.

he blushed.


"why what?"

"why did you look at me more than twice? why did you even ask me on this date?" he asked.

"i don't know jughead. there's just something about you. like every time i look at you i just get this weird feeling like i wanna hold you and call you mine forever. or when you do this cute little thing when you're nervous and you kinda pull your sleeves down over your hands, my heart does a thing. oh yea, and when your frustrated or confused with something you frown and get the cutest little wrinkles on your forehead and nose. sorry, that was kind of sappy." i laughed awkwardly feeling myself getting red.

"wow, i didn't know someone actually cared to notice those little things about me." jughead blushed.

"well i usually don't take the time to notice those little about people but like i said there's just something about you jughead."

he blushed even harder and at this point he was actually red.

"you're making me blush" he laughed.

"i can see."

the waitress came with jughead's milkshake and took our order before jughead said.

"well there's something about you too archie that's been driving me crazy for the longest time and i just want you to know that i've been waiting for this day forever." he smiled and took a sip of his milkshake.

"really?" i asked.

"oh yea really. i just never expected it to ever happen" he said.

"neither did i" i said before moving to the other side of the booth so i could be right next to him.

i went in for a kiss but he moved away.

"you wanna kiss right here? right now? in front of everyone?" he asked concerned.

"hell yea, if they're homophobes, fuck them" i laughed.

he just shrugged and we both leaned in to the most amazing kiss i've ever experienced in my life. his lips were so soft and worked so perfectly with mine. i never wanted it to end. but unfortunately it did and by this point both of us were blushing hard.

"see, no one even cared" i said looking around to see if anyone was watching.

he just shrugged again and quickly kissed me again before the waitress came with our food.


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