dorm room

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this is an au :) also idk how college works so i'm sorry if some of this is inaccurate lol.

college. exciting, yet anxiety inducing.

high school is finally over, and now it's time for big boy school, which is terrifying. going to college is like being forced to be independent. you can no longer rely on your parents for every little thing. you no longer have teachers that actually care about how you're doing in their class. you no longer have the opportunity to procrastinate until the very last minute to do homework and projects. college is the real deal, tough shit.

"i don't think i wanna go anymore." jughead mumbles nervously as he gazes out of the car window.

"well i mean we're already more than halfway there. i'm afraid it's too late to turn back bud." jughead's dad says not shifting his gaze from the road in front of him.

jughead didn't say anything, he was too nervous to, and his head was spinning.

"look, jughead. i get it. you're scared. but college isn't that bad, actually it's not bad at all. and you're a smart kid so it shouldn't be too hard for you. i know you're not used to being independent or all on your own but you'll be fine, i promise." fp says reassuringly.

"but what if i won't be fine? what if everything wrong that can happen happens? then what?" jughead asks frantically.

"stop stressing kid, we're here so it's too late for second thoughts. and college isn't cheap so you're going no matter what." fp says as he pulls into the campus parking lot of riverdale university.

jughead groans as the car parks and his heart starts racing even faster than it had been a few minutes ago.

his dad gets out of the driver's seat and opens the trunk to get jughead's belongings out and jughead hesitantly follows.

after all of the boxes and suitcases were taken out of the trunk and in hand, jughead and his father walked to administration to get jughead's course schedule and dorm room key. once that was taken care of, the two of them headed to jughead's dorm room.

the room wasn't too small but it wasn't very big either, especially considering there were two beds in it. jughead assumed his roommate wasn't there yet as the room was completely empty besides the two beds, two dressers, and a small tv.

"well this is cozy." fp says as he sets the two boxes he was holding on one of the beds.

"that's one word for it." jughead says, setting down his suitcases and eyeing the room.

"want me to stay until your roommate gets here?" fp asks jughead

"yea, sure." jughead says and starts to unpack his things. 

fp helps him unpack and before they know it, jughead was all unpacked and situated. the bed he had chosen was now blanketed in his soft sheets that he's had since forever, his clothes were all packed away in one of the dressers, all the posters and other things he brought were put up on his side of the room, and he had even put his toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom.

"wow, we did all that and your roommate still isn't here." fp says.

"well, orientation isn't until tomorrow so maybe he won't be here until-"

jughead was cut off by the opening of the dorm room door.

a red haired boy and what jughead assumed was his father walked into the room.

"oh, uh, hi. you must be my roommate. i'm archie." archie says reaching out his hand for a handshake.

"jughead." jughead says with a smile as he returns archie's handshake

"and i'm fred, archie's dad." fred said, also shaking jughead's hand and moving to shake fp's as well.

after everyone was all introduced and helped archie unpack, fp and fred figured it was time for them to be on their way. archie and jughead both had long goodbyes with their fathers, not wanting them to leave. but eventually they did and the two were left alone.

"wow. i can't believe i'm actually here." archie says happily flopping down on his bed.

"here?" jughead questions, not quite understanding archie's happiness.

"college dude. it's something you always imagine as a kid, not truly knowing what to expect. like, our whole lives before college is just us preparing for it and now i'm actually here. wild." archie says with a wide smile.

jughead chuckles a little.
"wow, i wish i felt as great as you do about being here." he sighs as he too flops down on his own bed.

"you gotta be positive, that's all it takes." archie says turning over from his back onto his side so he could look at jughead.

jughead did the same before he responded
"it's not that simple."

"yea i guess, not for everyone anyway." archie replies.

"yea" jughead sighs, creating an awkward silence between the two.

jughead averted his gaze from archie to his phone as he had just gotten a text from his dad, but archie however, kept his gaze locked on jughead.

he admired jughead's appearance. his very 'hipster' sense of style with his plaid flannel over his black hoodie, his black skinny jeans, worn down black converse, and a neatly placed grey beanie to top it all off. the little black curl of hair that had fallen out of  jughead's beanie brought archie's gaze to the unaware boy's face. archie scanned over the boys face, taking in all of his features. archie couldn't help but think that the boy was extremely attractive. this wasn't the first time archie felt this way about a boy before but it definitely didn't happen often so archie was sort of confused by how mesmerized he was by jughead.

"is there something on my face or something?" jughead asks archie, looking up from his phone and meeting his gaze.

"oh, uh" archie clears his throat "no, no. sorry" he finishes before turning so that he was now laying on his back and not facing jughead.

"no really though, why were you staring?" jughead asks

archie contemplates on telling the truth or not before deciding he might as well just tell the truth.

"i don't know, you're just really attractive." archie says nonchalantly, but without even daring to look at jughead.

"i'm what? wait are you? cuz if you are...i mean that's ok...but i don't know if i'm comfortable-"

"i'm, i'm not gay. it was just, it was just a compliment." archie says now turning to look at jughead

"yea, umm. ok. well i'm gonna, i'm, i'm just gonna watch tv now." jughead stutters awkwardly as he grabs the remote and turns the tv on.

archie turns over on his side so that he's facing the wall and mentally face palms.

it was their first day in this dorm room together, and it was already more awkward than the both of them could have ever imagined.

a/n: ok so, this update is long over due but i finally came up with a new idea and here it is :) yes, there will definitely be a part two and probably more than that but we'll see. please let me know what you guys think.

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