apartment 147 (2)

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"fine, fine. but i won't stay too long." archie states.

little did he know that that statement was so beyond wrong, he stayed very long. longer than any of the other guests actually. he stayed long enough to wake up in jughead's bed with a killer headache and a massive hangover.

archie had a mini heart attack as he woke up and checked to see if he was still clothed, and thankfully he was, which meant no regretful sex that he didn't remember. he was completely confused as to why he was waking up in jughead's bed if they didn't have sex. he hopped out of bed and immediately regretted it as his hangover headache got ten times worse. he walked out of the bedroom he was currently in and into the kitchen where he was greeted by a shirtless jughead who had just finished making two plates of breakfast. 

"oh, rise and shine sleeping beauty. i'm sure you're not feeling too good right now after all that shit you drank last night." jughead laughs as he takes in the appearance of the clearly miserable and confused boy in front of him.

"how much did i drink? and why did i wake up in your bed?" archie questions as he takes a seat in one of the stools at the kitchen counter.

"you drank way more than i'm assuming you've ever drank in your life" jughead laughs "and you were too drunk to even walk back to your apartment so i let you sleep here, don't worry, we didn't do anything sweetheart." he explains.

"ok good, and please stop calling me sweetheart." archie sighs, rubbing his extremely sore head.

"fine, here take this. and i made you some food too, i figured you'd be hungry. you threw up a lot last night." jughead says handing archie some advil, water, and a plate of food.

"oh, i'm so sorry. i don't remember anything but i'm usually not like that. i'm really sorry." archie apologizes.

"no, no. there's no need to apologize. you made the party ten times more exciting, everyone loved you. i would've never guessed that you were the same nerdy guy telling me to turn down the music before you joined the party." jughead chuckles as he takes a seat next to archie and starts eating his food.

"well then, thank you i guess. even though i can't really remember much of it, it sounds like i had a good time and i don't typically have much fun, so thanks." archie says.

"no problem archie, that's your name right?" jughead asks with a mouthful of food.

"it is, what's your name again? sorry, i can't remember."

"it's jughead, but you know, i really enjoyed when you kept calling me sir last night." jughead smirks.

"oh god. i address everyone as either sir or ma'am, it's just a habit. but ew, you have a sir kink?" archie cringes.

"i didn't know i did until you kept calling me it. took a lot of will power not to get a raging boner." jughead laughs.
"and what do you mean ew? stop judging my kinks. i don't judge yours." jughead finishes.

"well you can't judge something i don't have." archie shrugs.

"you're telling me you have no kinks? not one?"

"not one." archie shrugs again.

"i call bullshit. it's always the shy innocent ones that have the craziest kinks." jughead claims.

"ok, maybe you're right. but i'm not telling you what they are."

"and why's that?" jughead asks.

"because, if i tell you, you're gonna wanna test them out with me and i'm sure you couldn't fulfill my needs." archie sasses.

"sheesh, you have a smart mouth on you don't you? and is that a challenge?" jughead asks with a smile.

"it is if you make it one, sir." archie says with a smirk because he knows exactly what he's doing to jughead. but before jughead could even respond to that, archie gets up to leave.

"well, thank you so much for the food and letting me stay here last night. that was very nice of you." archie says.

"so you're just gonna leave like that? not even gonna let me try to figure out those kinks of yours?" jughead says, now the one carrying a smirk on his face.

"nope, i'm gonna leave that to your imagination. plus i don't give it up that easily, especially to guys like you."

"oh really? guys like me? what does that even mean?" jughead questions now getting closer to the slightly shorter boy so that their faces were only a few inches apart.

"guys that can usually have whoever, whenever they want. if i just give myself up to you, where's the fun in that? then i'd just be like every other person you've had sex with. the fun is making you want me, but not letting you have me." archie says, the last part in an almost whisper as he moves his face so close to jughead's that they may as well have been kissing.

the eye contact between the two was intense and the sexual tension could probably have been sensed from miles away. jughead placed a finger under archie's chin and lightly tilted his face upward. scanning the redhead's face in admiration, he was very attractive jughead had to admit. eventually jughead's gaze landed on archie's lips and stayed there for a second. he wanted to kiss him so badly and definitely planned on doing so. jughead moved in slowly and the two boys lips barely and softly touched for a split second before archie pulled away.

"the fun is in making you want me, but not letting you have me." archie repeats.

"you're a fucking tease." jughead huffs.

"good, that's the point." archie smirks before making his way to the door.
"thanks again for everything. bye jughead." he adds as he opens the door preparing to leave.

jughead was still in a trance from archie's little teasing moment and it took a quick second for his mind to catch up with his body.

"hold on, wait." jughead says before grabbing archie's glasses off of the counter.

"you made sure i took these off before you went to bed last night. you didn't want to break them." jughead says.

"oh yea, that would explain why my vision is so blurry. i thought it was just the hangover." archie laughs
"thank you." he finishes before trying to grab the glasses from jughead.

"ah, no." jughead says, refusing to let archie grab the glasses. instead he places the glasses on archie for him. it was a simple little gesture but it made archie smile.

"i could've put them on myself." archie chuckles.

"yea i know, but i wanted to." jughead says scanning archie's face once more before locking eyes with him.

"you're gonna be a tough challenge archie." jughead sighs.

"yea? and so are you, sir." archie smiles before giving jughead a quick peck and leaving the apartment.

jughead had felt many feelings for many different people over the years. but none, none had felt quite like this.

a/n: i feel kinda iffy about this one but idk, let me know how you guys feel about it. also, it's set up for a part 3 but i'll only make it if you really want it so feedback would be great. thank youuu

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