seven minutes in heaven

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jughead wasn't really the type to willingly go to a party but since archie convinced him, he was going.

cheryl was throwing yet another "get together" and everyone was going. for some odd reason archie was extremely excited. maybe it was because he had finally convinced jughead to come after days and days of begging.

"come on juggie, you never do anything fun. you're always working on that book. can you please just spend a few hours away from that laptop and party?" archie asked.
"ugh, fine. but it's not like i'm gonna have fun or anything" jughead said rolling his eyes m.


it was the night of the party and jughead was over at archie's waiting for him to finish drowning himself in cologne.

"you really think you're gonna get girls smelling like someone just dumped a bucket of cologne on you?" jughead asked.

"actually yes" archie said with a smirk
jughead just shook his head with a little chuckle.

"well can you hurry up, i'm ready to get this over with" jughead sighed.

"ok, ok. i'm done. let's go" archie said grabbing his letterman jacket off of his bed.


cheryl's house was crowded with so many teenagers you literally had to push them out of the way just to get anywhere.

"i already hate this and i've been here for 5 seconds" jughead complained.

"shut up and just try to enjoy yourself. hey look, veronica and betty are here" archie said and the two boys walked over to the girls who were in a separate room.

"hey guys, glad you're here. we're playing seven minutes in heaven" veronica said putting extra emphasis on the last sentence.

"great" jughead mumbled and archie nudged him in the side.

"hey archie, jughead." cheryl said looking at the two weirdly.

they both just nodded and waved
there was a few kids sitting in a circle around a bottle and archie and jughead took a seat across from betty and veronica.

"alright archie, how bout you spin the bottle" cheryl said giving him a wink.
"ok then." archie said and spun the bottle
it landed on betty.

"uh, i uh. i can't go in there with him." betty stuttered.

"fine then, you don't have to. i nominate jughead to go with him" cheryl said with a smile.

jughead felt himself go red.

"alright juggie, it's just seven minutes in a closet. shouldn't be that bad" archie said
jughead just nodded and they walked into the closet (how ironic).

"so, uh. what are we supposed to do in here?" jughead asked nervously.




jughead thought a little bit.

"do you have a crush on anyone?" jughead asked.

"i have someone in mind" archie smirked.

"oh and who's that?" jughead mirrored archie's smirk.

"can't tell you."

"why not?"

"because you'd for sure tell the person."

"boy or girl?" jughead asked.

"huh? uh, girl. obviously." archie said, his smirk fading.

"why, do you have a crush on a boy or something?" archie asked, curiousity taking over.

"well, i, uh, yeah. i guess." jughead said getting all flustered.

"aww, juggie's got a little crush" archie teased.

"oh it's not a little crush, not at all" jughead said.

"oh so you really like this person?"

"yeah, i like him a lot. have for a while now"

"do you talk to him?"

"i'm talking to him right now" jughead accidentally said out loud.

his heart dropped at his mistake and he immediately regretted what he said.

"jughead?" archie asked staring straight into jughead's eyes.

"yeah?" jughead said, his heart racing.

"you like me?" archie asked with a smirk, taking a step closer to jughead.

"well, i-i. yea" jughead stuttered.

"well you know how i told you i liked a girl?"

jughead nodded.

"she's not really a girl." archie said. and with that he took his final step closer to jughead so that was toe to toe with him.

he grabbed jughead's waist and pulled him into a soft kiss. jughead ran his fingers softly through archie's red hair and archie gripped tighter onto jughead's waist. the kiss slowly became more touchy and hot and archie had to pull away before little archie got too excited if you know what i mean.

"so i'm guessing the 'girl' was me." jughead said putting air quotes on "girl."

"you guessed correctly juggie" archie laughed and almost perfectly timed, cheryl called out that their time was up. everyone stared as they walked out and betty and veronica started laughing.

"archie, uh, you might wanna fix your hair and your umm..." betty said looking at his pelvic area.

archie turned as red as his hair but no one really seemed to care about his very noticeable boner and went back to spinning the bottle.

"you were right archie, i did have fun, and it seems like you did too." jughead said laughing.

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