he ran away (2)

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can we talk please? are you at your house?

archie felt slightly happy at the words on his screen. he immediately typed

yea, of course and yes i'm at home. are you coming here?

he waited a couple minutes before getting a response from jughead

yea i'm on my way, just stay there. jughead texted

archie did as told and laid on his bed before he heard a knock on his bedroom door. he got up quickly and attempted to fix his bed head before opening the door.

"hi" jughead said softly

"hi" archie said back

archie stepped away from the door and sat on his bed with jughead following behind him. they sat in an awkward silence with jughead looking down and messing with his hands while archie would occasionally glance at him but quickly look away.

after a while jughead cleared his throat and began to speak.

"so i uh, i guess i owe you an explanation." jughead says still looking down at his hands

"you really don't. but, i guess an explanation would be nice." archie replies

jughead sighs a deep sigh and starts talking again

"i, i really didn't mean to run out on you the way i did. i was just so shocked and, well, scared i guess. scared because i felt something that i never thought i would've ever felt when kissing a boy. better yet a boy that's my best friend. it was overwhelming. so i ran out and i shouldn't have done that, because i know i probably hurt you." jughead explains

"yea, a little" archie mumbles looking at jughead who's still avoiding eye contact and messing with his hands

"i'm really sorry. honestly. i didn't want to hurt you. i don't want to hurt you. ever. that's the last thing i want to do, and you kissing me made me realize that. after i left i went to talk to betty about what happened and she helped me realize that running out on you was the worst thing i've ever done, because i should've stayed. i should've stayed and i should've kissed you back. like, like this." jughead says before lightly grabbing archie's face and moving it so that their lips connected in a kiss that was so soft and fragile. neither of them wanted it to end, so it didn't for a little while. the only reason why they pulled away was because they needed to breathe.

they both just looked at each other, breathless and hearts racing. archie had imagined things like this happening so many times but never did he imagine that it would be this amazing.

"wow" archie says

"yea. wow" jughead laughs a little

and the rest of their day was spent with soft kisses and laughing and more kisses and blushing. they both felt happier than they have ever been before.

*a/n: sorry that this is so short but at least it's something. i love writing fluffy stuff like this, idk. anywayyyy please like and comment and check out my narry storyyyy. thank youuuuu*

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