hateful lust

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smut warning

a/n: i was asked to write a smut where jughead tops, and i thought hey that's different but sounds fun, so here it is. enjoy you lil nasties :)

hate. a very strong word as people like to say. most people don't use it unless they really, truly mean they absolutely hate whatever they're talking about, and with jughead and archie, that was definitely the case. they both hate each other immensely, which is strange because at one point in time, they were each other's best friends. but now neither of them can even stand looking at the other. avoidance has never been more obvious than between the two of them. they're constantly dodging one another, avoiding eye contact, or any interaction at all. it was almost comical really. how hard they tried to ignore each other when really, deep down on the inside, they missed each other.

this rivalry between the two all started when archie sided with hiram lodge in his, what jughead would call, evil doings. as soon as that happened, the friendship between the two came to it's bitter end and now the two of them are completely split, with only their girlfriends by their sides.

"look jughead, i get you're still hurt by archie's actions but it's been a couple months. c'mon, just talk to him." betty pleads to her boyfriend

"no betty, i've told you a billion times and i'll tell you a billion more, i will never, ever speak to archie again." jughead huffs

"don't you think that's a bit dramatic?" betty questions

"no...maybe. but i don't care, i won't ever talk to him again." jughead says

"never talk to who again?" archie says as he walks up to the booth that jughead and betty were sat in at pop's, veronica by his side.

without saying a word, jughead was about to get up and leave the diner but was roughly pulled back down by betty.

"look, veronica and i planned this so you two could talk cuz we're tired of you guys hating each other." betty says looking between archie and jughead "so talk." she finishes

"there's nothing to talk about." jughead says shortly before attempting to get up and leave again, only to be pushed back down into his seat by veronica

"hey, archie doesn't want to be here just as much as you don't, but he let me drag him here, even with the knowledge of knowing why i did. so i think you need to suck it up and at least just have a brief talk with him." veronica says sternly

jughead rolls his eyes before mumbling a 'fine'

"but i don't wanna talk here, can we go somewhere else?" jughead said, asking archie but not daring to make eye contact with him

"sure, we can talk at my place.l archie says

"that's a great idea. we'll stay here and let you guys talk." veronica says to the boys

the two of them kiss their girlfriends goodbye before starting their very awkwardly silent walk to archie's house. archie's house wasn't even that far from pop's but with the intense amount of tension in the air and the awkward silence between archie and jughead, the walk felt like it took years. but soon enough they had arrived, archie entering the house first with jughead following behind. once they were in archie's room, jughead began to speak.

"i hate you." he said vaguely, causing archie's eyebrows to rise in slight shock

"great, the feelings mutual." archie rolls his eyes as he takes a seat on his bed

"great." jughead mumbles as he leans against archie's doorway.

"you wanna know what i hate the most though?" archie says, looking up at jughead.

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