gay for pay

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archie and jughead had been roommates since their freshman year of college. now in their sophomore year, the two had moved into an apartment together with their new third roommate max. they had met max in their math class the year before and the three of them instantly clicked. they're known as the three musketeers amongst their peers which honestly is the perfect description.

the first semester of the boys sophomore year was great for them, they were all doing well financially and their grades were decent. but, eventually the boys got too laid back with school and started partying more and working less. this ended up with archie getting fired from his job, max getting cut off from his parents who were a big source of his income, and jughead failing one of the biggest tests of his career. now the three only had jughead to rely on to pay rent as archie looked for a new job and max continuously attempted to convince his parents to start loaning him money again.

"oh my god guys, no." jughead groans as he brings a sheet of paper to the two boys who were sitting on the couch.

"an eviction notice? fuck." archie groans as well, resting his face in his hands.

"shit. what are we gonna do?" max asks, quite obviously distressed.

"you two need to find jobs is what we need to do." jughead says.

"i've been trying jughead, it hasn't been easy." archie sighs.

"it shouldn't be that hard, there's tons of places hiring around here. you're obviously not trying." jughead snaps.

"excuse me? are you calling me a liar?"

"well i'm sure as hell not calling you a truther-"

"ok, guys stop. arguing isn't going to solve anything." max says softly.

"you're right, sorry arch. i'm just stressed." jughead sighs and takes a seat on the couch beside the two boys.

"it's fine. but seriously, what are we gonna do?" archie asks.

"i guess jughead's right, we need to go job hunting." max shrugs.

the two other boys agreed with max's statement and the three of them set out to find jobs for max and archie. they visited several fast food restaurants and clothing shops and grocery stores, but archie was right, it wasn't very easy. all of the places either weren't hiring or didn't pay enough.

"this is exhausting, we've been searching for places for almost two hours." max huffs.

"i know, should we just give up?" jughead suggests.

"yea, i guess-" archie started but was interrupted by a man tapping on his shoulder.

the three boys turned around and were greeted by a kind looking older gentleman, most likely not over 50, who was dressed in a well pressed suit.

"sorry to be a bother, my name is elijah hughes." the man says, shaking each of the boys hands. "i couldn't help but overhear that you guys are looking for a job. i have an offer for you, but you might not like it."

"well, what's the offer?" jughead asks.

"the three of you are extremely attractive and from the looks of it, fairly fit. the porn industry would love you, that is, if you'd being willing to film for me." elijah suggests.

"you want us to do porn?" max laughs.

"if you're up for it, yes." elijah answers.

"how much?" archie asks.

"i'll give you 5.5k each, to do a gay scene together. keep in mind that's a huge offer for first timers."

"a gay scene? hell no. we're all straight." jughead says, shaking his head.

"and? it's the best offer i can give you and from what i overheard from your guy's conversation, you need the money. it's called going gay for pay, all you have to do is pretend you like it and collect your coin, simple as that." elijah explains.

the boys all give each other a look, not knowing whether to take the deal or not.

"and how do we know you're not some gross sex trafficker who's just gonna end up selling us into sex slavery?" max questions.

"please, i would never. here's my card with all my information and all of my company's information. look up our site, we're legit. i swear. but i can obviously tell that you guys need to think this through, so just give me a call when you have your answer, i'll be waiting. bye now." elijah says before turning in the other direction and walking away.

"what the actual fuck just happened?" archie laughs.

"i have no idea. but i'm not even gonna lie, that offer he gave us is actually kind of good." max says.

"wait, are you actually considering this?" jughead questions.

"maybe, i don't know. we really do need the money."

"yea, max is right." archie says.

"so what i'm hearing is, we're taking this offer?" jughead asks.

"i mean, sure. why not?" archie shrugs.

"yea, like i know we're straight, but how weird can it be?" max asks.

"probably weird as fuck, is money i guess. let's do it?" jughead says.

"let's do it." archie and max say in unison.

max takes the card that elijah had given him just moments ago and calls the number on it. within seconds elijah picked up and max told him that they were going to take the offer.

"amazing, i knew you guys would come to your senses eventually. are you guys free tomorrow?" elijah asks.

"yes, we're free tomorrow." max replies.

"awesome. i'll text you the address you guys should meet me at and the time you should be there for your shoot. i'm looking forward to it."

"us too, bye." max says before hanging up the phone.

"our shoot is tomorrow. he'll text us the address and time." max says to his roommates.

"oh my god, we're actually doing this." archie shakes his head.

"what the fuck are we getting ourselves into."

a/n: i'm excited for part 2 of this even though threesomes are kind of hard to write lmao. also, there's no set way for how max looks so you guys can imagine him however you want, i actually wanna know what you guys think he looks like so leave a comment.

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