apartment 147

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a/n: everyone seems to like when archie is the more 'dominant' one in these jarchie fanfics but i wanna switch things up a little with this oneshot tee hee
*oh and for anyone who doesn't know what bicon means, it's a bi (bisexual) icon.

jughead loves to throw parties. he loves being surrounded by people. he loves dancing around to overly loud music and getting piss drunk. but most of all, he loves all the ass he gets thrown at him by the girls and the guys at almost every party he throws. he's known as the "bicon of apartment 147," always throwing the best parties and such. his apartment is perfectly sized for decently big yet not too huge parties which makes for the ultimate feel of an intimate house party. but of course, with loud obnoxious parties comes equally obnoxious noise complaints. jughead has been threatened with eviction for all of the noise complaints he's gotten from his neighbors several times, but that didn't stop him. he's on his last straw but he's willing to test his luck and throw another party, tonight actually. it was a perfectly nice friday for a party so jughead hit up all of his friends and told them to bring their friends and some booze, as he would provide the food.

once he had ordered a bunch of pizzas and hot wings from the nearest pizza place, jughead waited for the food to arrive by straightening up his apartment. he never quite grasped how he was even able to afford such a nice apartment, but he was grateful he could and proud of himself for having a job that made it possible for him to keep such a nice place. although it wasn't as nice as it could be, slightly torn up from all of the parties he'd thrown but nonetheless still decent. jughead had just finished straightening up when there was a knock at his door. he opened the door and was greeted with the kind face of a young pizza delivery guy.

"hi, umm, jughead right?" the delivery guy asks, looking at the receipt and checking to see if he had the right apartment number.

"yup, that's me." jughead says, eyeing the stacks of pizzas and wings that the delivery boy was carrying shockingly effortlessly.

"perfect, this is a lot of pizzas. throwing a party?" the boy asks.

"you guessed it." jughead smiles.

"cool, cool. well you ordered from the right place. best pizza in town, always a hit at parties." the delivery boy says.

"oh for sure, for sure. here, keep the change." jughead says handing the boy a wad of cash as he grabbed the giant stack of pizzas.

"oh, no dude. sure, you ordered a lot of pizzas but this is way too much money." the boy says as he finishes counting the money.

"yea, i know. keep the change, you deserve it." jughead says with a wink that causes the boy to blush and get flustered.

"oh, uh, w-well thank you. i, uh, i really appreciate it." the boy stutters.

"of course." jughead smiles before shutting the door.

jughead was a flirt, and he knew he was. he flirted with everyone, sometimes because he thought they were attractive and sometimes just to mess with people he knew thought he was attractive. it was fun to him, a little game.

he set the wings and pizzas down on the counter and waited for his guests to show up. it was 8:45, 15 minutes until the time he asked his friends to arrive. he got his speakers set up and started playing music quietly until his first couple of guests arrived. it was reggie and veronica and they showed up carrying cases of beers and wine coolers.

"ahh, you guys are the best. thanks for bringing drinks." jughead says as he greets the two of them with a hug.

"of course buddy, can't wait to get fucking hammered tonight. how many people are coming?" reggie asks.

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