gay for pay (2)

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*smut warning

max was awoken by the aggravating sound of his alarm clock hissing in his ear. he groaned and hopped out of bed before going to archie and jughead's rooms to wake them up.

the three all got ready pretty quickly. they were instructed by elijah to dress casually but to still make sure they looked good enough for the camera and all three did as told. making sure there hair was close to perfect, although it would probably end up getting messed up, making sure their faces were clean shaven and pimples were popped. they even made sure to prep just in case they had to do butt stuff. within thirty minutes the boys were all groomed and prepared for their shoot.

"bro, i'm getting kind of nervous now. what if they make us try to fuck each other. i'm definitely not bottoming." archie huffs.

"neither am i." both max and jughead say in unison.

"well someone's gonna have to if they tell us to." archie says.

"well let's just hope they don't." jughead sighs.

the boys all give each other a look as they grab the toast they had made for breakfast and begin to walk out of the door. once they got into the car, they were silent for awhile, the anxiety of the situation getting to them. the studio that they were supposed to meet at was in hollywood which is about an hour and a half minutes away from their apartment so they were due for a fairly long car ride.

the uncomfortable silence was broken when max had received a text from elijah.

"guys, elijah texted me." max says from the back seat of the car.

"what'd he say?" archie questions.

"he said he's super excited to film us today and he'll try his hardest to keep us somewhat in our comfort zones. we'll discuss all the details once we get there." max reads.

"ok good, we won't have to go too far out of our comfort zones." jughead sighs in relief.

"thank god." archie laughs.

"if i were to have to fuck any dudes in the ass though, it would only be you two." he adds.

"wow thanks arch, i feel so honored." max says sarcastically through a chuckle.

"if anything, max and i would fuck you in the ass." jughead says to archie.

"uh huh." max nods in agreement as he high fives jughead.

"oh shut up, you guys have 'i'm a bottom' written all over you." archie laughs.

"with my stroke game? never. that would be such a waste." max brags and the two other boys start dying laughing.

the rest of the car ride was just full of the boys arguing about who's a top or bottom, or who will probably give the best head and other things of that nature. before they knew it, they had arrived at the studio. the studio was average looking on the outside. It honestly just looked like a typical building in la. but once the boys walked inside the building, they were all shocked.

there were several open sets, some made to look like a bedroom, some an office, or even a classroom. one of the sets was actually currently being filmed on. a fairly attractive man was going to town on a boy who looked decently younger than the man. they were moaning and groaning and spewing all sorts of slurs.

"don't worry boys, you're not gonna be doing that today." elijah laughs as he spots them and begins walking toward them.

the boys averted their attention from the sex scene that was going on in front of them to elijah.

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