kissing booth (2)

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"you're a great kisser." jughead says after a moment of awkward silence.
"maybe we can do that again sometime."

archie blushes uncontrollably before mumbling "uh, y-yea. we definitely should."

jughead grins at archie's very noticeable blush before giving archie a wink to which archie blushes at even more before walking away from the booth. archie's face was hot, and his stomach was full of butterflies, and his lips still tingled from the kiss. people were giving him stares as he migrated through the crowd around the booth, but he didn't care. he was on cloud nine and felt absolutely fantastic, until he was confronted by betty that is.

"did i just see what i think i just saw?" betty questions, passive aggressive anger seeping in her tone.

"w-what do you think you just saw?" archie asks dumbly.

"archie don't play stupid. you just made out with my brother!" betty whisper yells, trying not to draw attention from the people around them.

"ok yea, maybe i did. but what's the big deal?" archie asks immediately regretting the words as soon as they come out of his mouth, because he knows very well what the big deal is.

"what's the big deal? what's the big deal! it's one of our rules archie. one of our rules that we swore on our friendship not to break and here you are nonchalantly breaking it as if it's 'no big deal.'"

"in my defense the rule says we can't fall for any of our best friends relatives, not kiss. i'm not falling for jughead so therefore, i'm not breaking any rules." archie lies.

"if you aren't falling for him then why'd you kiss him?" betty asks.

"for fun, to get a reaction out of people. it meant nothing betty, i promise. i wouldn't break any of our rules like that, i swear." archie lies again.

"ok fine, you're off the hook for now. but i swear if you pull something like this again, i don't think i'll be able to forgive you."

"you won't have to worry about that. trust me" archie says reassuringly, although he didn't even believe the words that had just come out of his mouth.

"good. now i have to go finish helping with the booth and then i'm going out to pop's with the vixens after the fair's over? meet you there?" betty asks

"sure." archie says with a smile before betty leaves to go back and help with the booth for the last thirty minutes of the fair.

just as betty was going back to the booth, jughead was leaving it, seeing as his long shift of making out was over. he immediately locked eyes with archie and gestured for him to walk over to where he was. archie's heart dropped but then began to race. 'what did jughead want?' he wondered, and there was only one way to find out.

archie walked over to the bench jughead had sat at, a few booths over from the vixens kissing booth in a fairly secluded area.

"hey andrews, i wanna talk to you." jughead says, eyeing archie as he approaches the bench.

"what's up?" archie says, sitting decently far away from jughead on the bench and trying to mask his nerves.

"i just wanna know why you did what you did." jughead says.

"what? you mean kissing you?"

"yea, duh." jughead laughs

"uh, i-i don't know. it's just something...i've wanted to do for awhile." archie says, mumbling the last part.

"one more time. i didn't get that last part." jughead smirks.

"you definitely did. i'm not saying it again." archie blushes.

"you're right, i did. i think you'd like to know that that was something i've wanted to do for awhile too." jughead says, still smirking.

"oh really?" archie smiles.

"yeah, really." jughead says inching closer to archie until they were almost kissing again.

"you said we should kiss again sometime, is
this that time?" archie asks, now the one carrying a smirk.

"it certainly could be." jughead says, inching even closer to archie, their lips now ever so lightly touching.

"then kiss me." archie says. and with that, they were at it again.

this time the kiss was more free flowing and easygoing since there wasn't the pressure of a crowd watching the them. the two boys seemed to get lost in each other. there was no one around so there were very few limitations to how heated the kiss could get, and it got heated. the kiss went on for awhile, though not continuously because the boys did need to take small breaks to breathe unfortunately. archie had completely lost track of time until he felt his phone begin to vibrate nonstop.

"aww, who's the buzzkill?" jughead asks as he pulls away from the kiss, lips swollen from the process.

archie pulled out his phone to see a bunch of messages and missed calls from betty asking where he was and why he wasn't a pop's.

"shit." archie mumbles to himself

"well? who is it? is there a boyfriend i should worry about?" jughead asks.

"no, no. it's uh, it's your sister." archie says, showing jughead his phone.

"oh. does she know that we uh, we kissed?"

"yeah, and she was pissed about it. but i lied to her and told her that it didn't really mean anything and i just did it to get a reaction out of people to get her off my ass, and i promised not to do it again but-"

"but here you are, doing it again. i'm irresistible aren't i?" jughead says, a smirk making it's way back on his face.

"don't flatter yourself." archie scoffs jokingly
and jughead pretends to look offended.

"no really though, i feel bad. i told her i would meet her at pops once the fair was over and here i am with you, breaking our rule." archie sighs.

"what's your guys' rule?" jughead questions.

"neither of us are allowed to fall for any of the others' relatives." archie says.

"you're falling for me?" jughead asks softly, his smirk now replaced by a shy smile.

"i mean, yeah. have been for awhile now." archie says causing jughead's smile to get bigger. jughead places his index finger under archie's chin, lifting his head up slightly before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"i've been falling for you too andrews." jughead smiles.

"alright lovebirds cool, you guys are both falling for each other, yay. but we need everyone gone, we're cleaning this place up." one of the school's janitors says, startling the two boys.

the two of them hadn't even realized the place had cleared out, they were in there own little world on their secluded bench. they apologized to the janitor before leaving the fair which no longer looked much like a fair. the boys walked over to the parking lot where only jughead's motorcycle and a couple other cars remained.

"you think betty will be mad if we show up at pop's together?" jughead asks, hopping onto his motorcycle and gesturing for archie to get on too.

"not sure, guess we'll just have to find out." archie answers getting onto the back of the motorcycle and putting on the spare helmet jughead handed to him.

with that they were on there way to pop's together. not even slightly prepared for what was gonna happen once they showed up.

a/n: a lot of you asked for a part 2 so here it is. would you like a part 3?? and are their any other ships you would want me to create a oneshot story about because i wanna write about more than just jarchie lol.

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