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a/n: this is completely au and has no connection with the show other than the characters, oop

smut warning
(the beginning is kinda straight but just keep reading, it gets gayer i promise)

"jug we HAVE to go to reggie's party. everyone's gonna be there, including betty." archie said blushing unbelievably hard when he mentioned betty's name

"you're still hung up on betty? wow. and no, i told you already, i hate parties." jughead said

"it'll be fun, oh and veronica will be there too." archie said with a smirk

jughead's head perked up at veronica's name. he hated how archie knew just what to say to convince him to go to the lame party.

"fine" jughead mumbled

"i'm sorry, what was that?" archie questioned

"you heard what i said. fuck off." jughead huffed

archie just laughed

"hey, you can't judge me for still being hung up on betty when you're still hung up on veronica." archie said

"yea, whatever." jughead sighed before lying back on archie's bed and letting his mind roam to the memories of the night he and archie met b and v.

it was a school night, but in college that practically means nothing. cheryl was hosting one of her infamous parties in her apartment, she was actually one of the few college freshman that made enough to own an apartment and not have to sleep in a dorm room. there were a lot of people, it was crowded and hot and music was blasting so loud that everyone had to scream at the top of their lungs just to be heard. archie and jughead stuck together for the first hour or so because neither of them really knew anyone besides cheryl and each other. they were just chilling and minding their own business while drinking whatever was in the punch bowl when two, as archie would say, baddies approached them.

"hey" the blonde one spoke first
"i'm betty and this is veronica." she added

"hey betty, i'm archie." archie said with the hugest smirk on his face before shaking betty's hand

"and you are?" veronica asked jughead

"oh, uh. i'm jughead." jughead replied

"jughead?" betty and veronica said in unison both trying to hold back laughter

"hush. it's better than my real name." jughead laughed

"well i could only imagine what your real name is." veronica giggled "come with me to get a drink." she said before grabbing jughead's hand and dragging him to the kitchen.

"she's an eager one isn't she?" archie laughed

"you don't even know." betty smiled

from that point on everything started to become a blur for both archie and jughead. they both had way too many drinks and so did veronica and betty. archie and betty started drunk kissing while jughead and veronica were doing god knows what in the bathroom. then betty realized that she had to go to the bathroom and archie followed close behind. jughead and betty, being the drunk idiots they are, forgot to lock the door and archie and betty walked in on them in the middle of sexc time. any normal persons' response would be to apologize for interrupting them and walk out but archie had the bright idea of joining in.

neither archie nor jughead could remember what happened after archie uttered the words "can we join?" though, all they remember was waking up on the bathroom floor with aching headaches and two half naked baddies lying next to them. they tried waking betty and veronica up but they wouldn't budge.
"just leave them. cheryl will take care of them." archie mumbled, rubbing his head. jughead nodded in agreement
"you think they'll hate us for just leaving?" jughead asked
"probably not. i don't remember anything but from the looks of it we all just had meaningless drunk sex in a bathroom, i'm sure they won't even care." jughead shrugged and the two walked out of the bathroom into a trashed living room of a very nice apartment with a frantic looking cheryl eyeing the mess.
"thanks for inviting us cheryl." jughead said not even picking up on the fact that cheryl was actually freaking out over how trashed her apartment was.

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