Q and A

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Q-why you so damn cute? from:@phanandsmoshtrash
A- that's a good question that i unfortunately don't have the answer to, sorry

Q-will you go out with me, i'm lonely. also what's your favorite thing about archie? from:@exo_otp
A- I would love to go out with you, but i'm kinda with someone already, sorry. and my favorite thing about archie is how big his heart is. he's very caring, also his abs. those are great too.

Q-why are you such a sassy queen?
from: @water_meloncake11
A- I don't try to be, sometimes the sass just escapes.


Q-why you so damn hot?
A- i wish i knew. nah i'm kidding, i'm not conceited, i promise.

Q-do you enjoy cuddling jughead? from:@ronanisaspoon
A- of course, it's one of my favorite things to do

Q-what's your favorite thing about jughead? @exo_otp
A- my favorite thing about jughead? that's hard, there's so many things to like. i guess my favorite thing about him is his ability to just listen and help people with whatever problems they have going on, he's the best at that.

Q-do you like jughead's beanie? from:@water_meloncake11
A- i love it, he looks really cute in it.


Q-why you so damn adorable? from:@phanandsmoshtrash
A- oh hush, you're the adorable one

Q-are you lowkey jealous of archie being with jughead? from:@exo_otp
A- no, i'm getting used to it.

Q-do you ever get jealous of archie and jughead? from:@water_meloncake11
A- literally the same question but no, not anymore. i mean i did get jealous seeing them together at first, but now i realize that they're really happy together and it would be rude and selfish for me to be mad at their happiness.


Q-why you so damn sassy? from:@phanandsmoshtrash
A- the only way i know how to communicate is through sass

Q-how do you get your eyebrows so on point queen?
A- it's a whole process but i have a pretty decent natural eyebrow shape which helps


Q-why you so damn spicy? from:@phanandsmoshtrash
A- hmm, i don't know. maybe it's the hair

Q-are the rumors about you being a lesbian and bringing a girl to the dance true or are you bi/straight? from:@exo_otp
A- i don't wanna label myself quite yet, but the possibility of me bringing a girl to the dance is fairly high


Q- why you so damn good at writing? from:@phanandsmoshtrash
A- pshh, me? good at writing? no. i was re-reading some of my old chapters and i couldn't stop cringing.

Q-what inspired you to write the creative stories that you write? from:@exo_otp
A-well if you mean jarchie wise, i started writing oneshots because i just felt jarchie needed to be written about since we don't get it as an actual relationship in riverdale, but in general i just really like writing. i feel like it's one of the few things that i'm semi- decent at creatively.

Q-why do you ship jarchie? from:@water_meloncake11
A-i'm not even sure honestly. i just think that from the first couple of episodes of riverdale i kinda saw something between archie and jughead that could be more than what it actually was and started shipping them based off of that.

thank you so much to the few people that asked questions, i really appreciate it. ALSO, i'm gonna try to have unexpected love pt 2 up sometime this week, but don't hold me to it cuz you know how bad i am at updating lmao.

ok byeeee

jarchie oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon