Chapter Thirty- Eight

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The threat about the kidnappers coming was quenched for a little while while everyone was too busy cooing over my small bump and congratulating Silas on a 'job well done'.  It seems as if everyone has figured out that i am pregnant by now. Not that i mind necessarily, its just weird to think that before, my life wasn't important enough to anyone, but now, everyone wants to know what i am doing at all moment of the day. It's Its hard to think that i am so important to these people. 

Now, that my life has been broadcasted throughout the whole pack, we are able to focus more on what is going on with this ghost kidnappers.

"I think we should just go back to where we got Kota, Gabriel, and Zsin from. It seemed like it was a base if operations. Maybe, it would be easier to find some stuff if we start there." Tait suggests as we sit around the meeting table and think of things that could help us take them down.

Essentially Silas didn't want me coming, but i told him I was, although I wasn't very keen on letting Kota join us, bit he claimed that he had the right to be here. Silas only smiles at the two of us before herding us into the room so we could start the meeting.

"I don't want anyone doing anything that could harm them. We need to be smart about this. That means no storming of their buildings because you most likely will be overthrown. Undersrood?" Silas said as he stares at Tait. Tait grumbles but grudgenly agreed to the terms.

"Good, now lets think of ways that we could maybe draw then to us, so they would be in our home turf and we could take them down." Silas said after he broke his stare at Tait. Everyone was quiet as we thought about what we could do. I thought of something, but i knew that there would be no way that Silas would agree with it.

"Well, I sort of have an idea." I say unsure as i move around in my seat. All eyes turn to me, making me more uncomfortable then I already am.

"What is it, Baby?" I blush at his term of endearment but shrug my shoulders as I begin stuttering.

"Well, I just thought that, maybe I could, be used as bait. They seemed interested in me when they first came here, I just thought that maybe it would help...." I trail off as I see the blank face that Silas is giving me. I shrug my shoulders again before sliding farther down in my seat.

"You are not going to be used at bait. I wouldn't even think of doing that if you weren't even pregnant, so don't think that you are going to go behind my back and do just that. If you do, you'll be in so much trouble. I wouldn't mind spanking you for even suggesting this crazy, and totally not going to happen, plan of yours" Silas growls lightly in my ear. My facs turns red as he says this so freely in front of all of these people. They only smile at our bickering before turning to the person next to them and conversing about something that we could do to draw them out.

"Do you understand me, Sorenson? I don't want you putting yourself in danger. I can't let you get hurt." I could see the pleading in Silas's eyes as he stares into mine. I knew that I wouldn't go behind his back, so i nodded to show him that I would listen to what he had asked.

"I promise, Silas. I won't put myself into harms way if i can help it." I say softly when i notice my non-verbal answer wasn't enough. Silas still doesn't seem happy with my answer, but nods and continues to converse with the others around the table.

But I don't because all I can think about is how i wished that i could help take down the people that hurt my family so much.

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