Fairy Tail x Author-chan (Birthday Special!)

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So I know you were all expecting a requested chapter from someone to be released, but I felt like doing this so Author-chan can get some love too. And this makes up for the long wait for a new chapter, so enjoy!

Author-chan's POV

"Oi! Author-chan!"

I hear a familiar voice call my name and I get up from my desk, stopping my writing process for a new chapter of my book.

"What do you want Natsu? I'm kind of busy at the moment." I say opening the window.

"What are you doing working? Today's your birthday isn't it??"

"Yes...but I rather stay inside working..."

"That's so boring! Come to the guild and celebrate!"

"No thanks Natsu, I need to get this new chapter out for my book. Sorry." I reply starting to close my window.

Before I can even close my window, Happy flies in and grabs me and pulls me outside.

"H-hey! Happy put me down!"

"Sorry Author-chan! You need to get out and have some fun once in a while. Besides, Fairy Tail never forgets a birthday, so if you were gonna stay in your house, we would bring the party to you." Happy replies.

Happy was right. Natsu would gather everyone from the guild and bring them over to my house. Meaning my house would be a mess or possibly destroyed after the party...

"R-right...knowing you guys, my house would probably be destroyed in the end."

Happy drops me safely on the ground in front of the guild. I haven't been inside the guild in a month, so might as well make an appearance. I open the doors to the guild and as soon as I do I'm swarmed by my guild members.

"Author-chan!! You actually came!" They all yell.

"Y-yeah, I decided to drop by and visit...since it's been a month since I last saw you."

"Come on in! The party's about to start!" Lucy says pushing me inside.


"Of course! It's your birthday isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I mean a party isn't necessary..." I reply

"That's nonsense! Fairy Tail never forgets a birthday, and I promise you'll love it!" 

Lucy sits me down and pulls up a chair next to me.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Shhh, Mirajane's gonna perform."

Mirajane comes out on stage and smiles, "This is dedicated to Author-chan, for being an amazing writer and awesome friend! Happy birthday Author-chan!"

I lightly smile at Mirajane, and she smiles back with a wink.

A wink? This can't be good.

Mirajane, surprisingly exits the stage, and Gajeel comes on stage instead.

I knew this wouldn't end well...

"Shooby doo bop!" Gajeel sings.

"Not this crap song again!" Natsu yells.

This isn't good. Just like before Natsu and Gajeel start to fight and the rest of the guild joins in.

"Not again! Mirajane...why did you let Gajeel sing?" Lucy mumbles. 

Soon the guild is a giant mess. Chairs are thrown and broken everywhere. The only things that aren't broken are the chairs Lucy and I are sitting on.

"Oh no... I'm so sorry Author-chan! I ruined your birthday...I shouldn't have let Gajeel go up there. I'm really sorry!" Mirajane says holding back tears.

"Hey don't cry Mira-chan. You didn't ruin my birthday. Heck, this is the best birthday I ever could have with you guys here. Even if the guild is messed up." I reply.

Mirajane smiles, and suddenly a chair comes flying her way, hitting her.

"Ack! Mirajane are you okay?" Lucy asks worriedly.

"I'm fine Lucy! Just need to teach them a little lesson..." Mirajane says darkly turning into Satan Soul,

"E-eh?? Mirajane what are you doing?"

"A girl needs to have a little bit of fun sometimes Lucy!"

Mirajane joins the brawl happening and soon enough the fighting is stopped with Mirajane and Erza as the victors.

I laugh at the sight and smile at Lucy, "This is the best birthday I could have ever had. Thank you so much for putting it together."

"No problem, but you should not only thank me but everyone else, they all pitched in to make this happen." Lucy says with a smile.

"Thank you everyone for an amazing birthday party!" I yell as loud as I can.

Everyone in the guild turns to look and me and they yell, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUTHOR-CHAN!"

So this is to make for the long wait on requests and to sort of celebrate my 1st birthday on Wattpad! Thank you guys so much for reading this book, I honestly never thought it could get up to 50k reads. You guys are awesome! Thanks, and a new chapter will be out soon!

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